Chapter 5; Mating Season o.o (Cont.)

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*Sorry for such a late update, people are watching me like hawks while I'm on the computer. -.- But I'm back now, and I give you smut. So yeah, late updates are to be expected. >~<*

Scott PoV: 

               It could be worse... right? I-I don't know,  after what he just did... I don't have much time to dwell on it, as I feel the tip of Vincent's tail press into me. "V-Vincent!~" I gasp, feeling the pain that follows. I try and struggle, but he uses his free hand to pin both of mine against the wall. He starts thrusting his tail into me, and I feel more of it inside me. I whine,having shock-induced tears form in my eyes." Wh-What happened to being gentle?" I whimper. "Gentle just isn't me, Scotty.~" That doesn't surprise me. He begins to pick up the pace, his tail going faster and harder than before. "Vincent, s-stop, please! I-It hurts!" He responds by beginning to pound me, and purring "Just a little longer, Scotty. Yeesh, you're such a baby.~" I have a reason to be, because I've never done something like this before! Especially not with a N-Naga... I'm snapped back to reality when I hear Vincent moan for the first time during all of this. Then I feel something warm shoot into me. (IDK apparently his tail is like a penis...? xD) He releases me, and pulls out. I collapse against him, trying to refrain from crying. "Aww, poor virgin Scott. Well, the next time should be better for you." 

               If I have my way, there won't be a next time. Th-That really hurt, he wouldn't listen when I told him to stop... His violent nature really did come through. "N-Next time listen wh-when I tell you to stop..." I say, feeling his arms wrap around me. "Aww, I'm sorry Scotty. I only wanted to do it that way because I'm your first.~" I suppose that's his way of saying he tried to impress me. "Well, fine... but don't d-do it like that again..." I stammer. "Hm, alright... I won't unless you ask for it.~" I feel my face heat up again, and Vincent chuckles softly. "C'mon, Scotty, you can't stay mad at me foreeeveeer." I sigh, leaning against him. "Y-You're right, I can't... Unless you've gone and gotten me pregnant...." He laughs at e again. "Like I said, you know how rare that is... and again, having a family wouldn't be the worst, would it?" I shake my head; it'd be nice, but how does a guy even carry children, let alone give birth? (who knows Scott xD) I just don't think it'd be safe. I try and take my mind of it, as I redress myself. "Aww, Scotty, c'mere," Vincent says, gently coiling around me. "I hope I didn't hurt you, or make you upset with me..." He purrs, resting his chin on my shoulder. "No, you didn't upset me or anything..." I say quietly, the wave of emotions that came over me before making me tired. 

               "Aww, I suppose I did work you hard...~" Vince whispers. "Yeah, you did... You sure did surprise me," I say. I turn around and snuggle against him, wrapping my arms around him. "Go ahead and sleep, Scotty. I'll go out and get some fruit for you when you wake up." I nod, already starting to fall asleep. Vincent kisses my forehead, causing me to smile as my eyes close. I don't really know why I was mad... More worried than anything, actually. If something happens, we'll just have to see how it goes. Not exactly the greatest thoughts to fall asleep with, but I do, nonetheless.

Vincent PoV:

               I don't know if I should feel bad about what I did, but he doesn't seem mad. I gently stroke his hair while he sleeps, smiling as his small snores bounce off the cave's walls. I can't believe how much he's warmed up to a creature like me; most humans and animals run from me. He was afraid too, but he did something to me. I don't know how to explain it, I just know that he warmed up this lonely naga's cold heart. I look down at Scott, thinking of what he's dreaming about. Could be anything, really, but I'm just trying to pass time. 

*time skip because of Scott and his sleeping*

               I'm about to doze off myself, but movement jerks me awake again. Scott has begun to stir, finally sitting up and rubbing his eyes like a child. "Sleep well, Love~?" I purr. "Yes, and apparently for a really long time." I look out the opening of the cave, noticing the sky getting darker. "Let's just see if there's any fruit left in that basket of yours," Scott says, getting up and going to find it. I'm glad he thought about that; night time is when all those horrible creatures start lurking around. I used to consider myself one of those creatures. Thanks to Scott, I'm not really scary anymore. Not that I'm complaining, I actually like it. Scott returns with the basket, and I guess I'll have to settle for fruit tonight, having eaten all my mice. "Better eat it up before it goes bad," Scotty says. I nod, taking a piece of fruit from the basket and biting into it. I forgot how sweet this stuff tastes. I wolf down at least five of the things, Scott only eating maybe half that. I lick my lips, having satisfied my appetite. After we're done with that, me and Scotty decide to just cuddle for a little bit. This man changed me, and I can't thank him enough for it.

Okay, I am SOOO sorry for abandoning this so quickly after it was started. I've had a lot on my mind, and a lot to do. I have two book reports to do, finding things for a certain cosplay, (wink wink nudge nudge) and trying to read these stupid books as fast as possible. There's really been no time for Wattpad lately, but finally, here it is! I am so sorry for doing this and I will try my absolute hardest not to leave it again! I will be a better author-chan! 

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