A/N; Things

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First off, I'm really sorry that I have not updated this story. The last couple weeks have been really disorienting for me, and so I really haven't had time for writing a new chapter, or really any time to myself. The Jeremike book, (and a Jerecent in the future, hopefully,) will have to wait, until I can at least get back into a steady updating.... schedule? nah, I don't know what it'd be called. But once I'm situated and everything is finally back to normal in my life, updates will start up again. Also, 1.1K reads. That's fucking awesome. I love you all so much. :D Anyways, I really hope you all aren't upset or anything, I apologize for the no updating. It makes me feel bad because I love writing this book, even if I do get a touch of writer's lock here and there. (Long ass A/N ftw) So, this coming weekend I shall try my very hardest to begin work on the next chapter, my loves~ so look for that soon! :3 ~Vince

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