Chapter 12; V-Vincent...?

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I don't know how to describe this... There's certain situations where in the outside you're dead, but you're conscious, in your mind, I guess? Sort of like a very temporary coma, you could say. Anyways, shall we?

Scott PoV:

Vincent passed out, and he hasn't woken back up. He's not dead, b-but.. I don't know what to do. What the fuck can I do? I've been panicking for the past few hours! All I've done is cover him with a blanket, lay by him... cry a little. (Not a little -.- liar) "Please wake up soon, Vincent... I love you so much..."

Vince PoV (in his thoughts...sort of..?):

I can hear Scott, but I can't wake up; my body and mind just aren't on the same page. It feels like I'm dreaming, but everything is so vivid and detailed. I make my way around, trying to figure out just where I am; the forest, obviously, but not a part of it that I remember. Of course, it's my mind, so it wouldn't surprise me if this part didn't exist at all. "V-Vincent! VINCENT!" So Scott is calling for me... but where is he? "Scott?" I call back; of course, there's no answer. "Scott? Where are you?" Again, nothing. Did something happen to him? Oh god, please let him be okay! I start running (Running? You don't have legs, damn it!) around blindly, calling for him and looking around frantically. "SCOTT!!" I call. Then I stop, hearing a faint reply. "Vin...cent..?" Oh no.... "Scott, please, where are you..?" I hear him graon as he says, "O-Over here, to your right..." I look over, and sure enough, there he is; beat to hell. "What happened to you?" I ask, picking him up. Before he can reply, he literally dissolves in my arms. "W-What the fuck?! SCOTT?!" I say, slightly panicked as I look around. "What's going on?!" "It's your mind, surely you can explain it." Who's voice is that? "You're thinking of Scott because you aren't able to protect him right now. He could be dead for all you know." Whoever this is, they're right; but I haven't been out that long, have I? I don't think so...

"S-Scott can handle himself just fine, he doesn't need me there to protect him..!" "So, then you admit he doesn't need you?" What?! That's not what isaid, and it's not what I meant! "Stop it, you're twisting my words you bastard!" The male voice laughs loudly. "Calling yourself a bastard? Tsk tsk, we're not a very nice person." How can this, this thing, be me? "There's no way you're me!!" Again, that cold fucking laugh. "Really? Well, I'm the fear in the back of your ming, isn't that scary?" He's full of it, he's got to be. "You fear being useless, dying alone, and of course, death itslf. But the biggest fear you have? That's Scott leaving you. Why? Because his life is so boring now, don't you know that? He could live a much better life back home where he belongs-" "His home is with me... he belongs with me, he loves me!" Wake up, damn it, wake up..! "Only time can tell, Love~ Only time can tell..." My surroundings begin changing drastically. Now it's dark, and I have no clue where I am. "What the hell?" I mutter. "Vincent?" Scott!! "Scott, oh my god, I was worried-" "What do you want?" W-What..? "S-Scott, what d'you mean..?" "Why are you here? Why did you come after me? I was originally running form you, y'know." "Scott, no what did I do..?! I'm sorry, whatever it is that I did I'm so sorry!" "Sure you are..." he vanishes again. "Scott?! Scott, no! Please, wait, d-don't, don't leave me here!"

"He's going to leave you all alone, Vincent. You'll be all alone in that cave again. Why can't you do anything right?" I brace my hands over my ears. "Stop lying, damn you! It's not true!" Why the hell is this happening?! "I'm not lying. Stop deflecting the truth, why don't you? You know he'll want to leave eventually. Honestly, you can't fool yourself into thinking he's staying forever." I take my hands away from my ears; it's not helping me at all. "Y-You're full of shit...!" I blurt out. "No, I'm telling the truth! Get it into your thick skull! You knew from the start you were meant to be alone! After all, who would want to live out their life with a monster like you?" I-I'm not a monster.... "Oh, but you are! You ate his friend, you ate so many humans! Surely you'll eat him too!" What's going on, why is this happening? Am I actually losing my mind? "I would never eat him... I love him..!" Wake up, please wake up! I'm losing my mind and I can't escape! Please, wake up, damn it! "Maybe you won't eat him, but you'll eat any other human that wanders into the forest. Face it, you're a monster. A monster and a murderer!" I finally collapse, watching as everything starts to turn black. 'Am I waking up?' I think, praying that I'm right. I don't hear that fucking voice anymore; that must be a good sign.

I groan as my eyes open, before I shoot upright and begin to sob. I said I didn't believe it, I said it wasn't true! A-And it isn't! "Vincent, you're awake! You're also crying.. What's up?" I hake my head. "N-Nothing..." It's nothing he needs to know about, anyways. He doesn't need to know that I have genuine fears of him leaving me.

Well here Loves, have another chapter~

You didn't think I'd die that easy, did you?

I surely hope not, this book hasn't gone on long enough for characters to die..

*Also for whatever reason, Wattpad is not letting me add a pitcure. Pictureless chapter nuuu :'(

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