Chapter Two: Talking to my favorite person ever.

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Percy's P.O.V 

 As we were leaving, Hazel and Frank came to say goodbye. They had been visiting for the week, they usually liked to come to camp so we could all have a bonfire and stuff like that together. Then Annabeth and I were off. To be honest, I'm actually looking forward to this mission. Annabeth and I could finally go somewhere, we have been stuck at camp training ever since the giant war ended. We have finally got the chance to go on a 'laid back' mission together. I was hoping that it would go perfectly as planned.

We went to a coffee shop to discuss our choices. "So, where are we going first?" Annabeth asked. She had a lot of enthusiasm, I guess she's as excited as I am. "Um, I would suggest checking hollywood. They seem to have a lot hidden things there," I guessed, hoping Annabeth would agree. "Hmm, I guess that's a good idea. We could always ask one of the more useful gods." She told me, as we threw away our hot chocolate cups. "Like who?" I asked laughing, you see most of the greek gods don't like to help their children.

"Well my mom still owes me one," She stated. "Yeah, she only completely abandoned you." You see, during the giant war Athena gave her the silent treatment. After that we decided to IM her mom.(If you don't know what IM means, it stands for Iris Message.) We headed to one of the many 'beautiful' alleyways we have here in New York City. I made her a rainbow and she tossed one of the golden drachmas that Chiron gave us. O Iris, goddess of the rainbow please show me Athena on Mount Olympus. After that her mother appeared in front of us, oh joy. "Yes daughter?" She asked in a kind voice. "Hey mom, we were wondering if you knew of any other entrances to the labyrinth?" Annabeth asked her. Please know, Please know, I silently chanted in my head. "There is actually one here in New York Annabeth. If you go to the wax museum, there is a hatch in the basement. It doesn't open for the mortals so they have never gotten into it," She told us.

 I let out a breath I hadn't realized that I was holding. I can tell that Annabeth is relieved too. Not having to cross the country is always a good thing. "Well then I guess that we will get going, thanks mom," Annabeth was telling her as I swiped my hand through the Iris message. Well now that we know what to do, we have to figure out how to do it. "Okay Annabeth, it's planning time." I told her. Planning is her specialty. "Okay, let's get this planning started!" She said, excited. This is going to be fun.

Hi, thanks for reading!! I would really appreciate a comment.

Also the next chapter is going to be in Thomas's point of view. Okay Bye!!!!!! -Lauren

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