The Infirmary

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Thomas P. O. V.
    I woke up with Minho sitting on the edge of a bed across from me, then I looked down to see that I was in a bed. "Umm...weren't we just running? What happened? We're am I?" Minho looked up, just noticing that I was awake. "Whoa Thomas. One question at a time."
       "Sorry. What happened?" I asked him. He looked like he was thinking about it for a few seconds, then he said "they happened," pointing at a boy and girl...wait!! A girl! What the heck!! Then I started listening to there quiet conversation.
"Annabeth I told you I'm fine!! We should have gone ahead and talked to the accented guy instead of coming here," the black haired boy said. "Percy. You are not fine, look at this!" Annabeth pointed to his leg, which was a gross color of blue/purple. "Pffff. Don't we have Ambrosia or something?
         "You dropped your bag when we were fighting that thing. You were the one carrying all of the ambrosia, Percy. Why am I such an idiot?!" The blonde looked down while she massaged her temples.
       "Hey guys! I hate to break up this little..uh..argument..but Thomas is awake now," Minho walked over to them to get their attention. "Oh," Percy and Annabeth said in unison. "Sorry about that," Annabeth said looking at Thomas. "It's just that this idiot doesn't know when to stop sometimes."
       "No your fine, but I'm just a little confused.." I said, looking at the black haired boy. 'He just looks so...I don't know. I feel like I know him. "What do you mean Tommy?" Said Newt as he walked through the door. "I know you right?" I asked while looking at the boy with black hair. "Uh Minho...are you absolutely sure he didn't hit his head?" Newt asked, still looking at Thomas. "Not so sure anymore.." Minho said.
       "Strange." Percy looked to be confused as well. "What?" Percy waited a few seconds, then he answered, "I...feel the same way. Like I know him." Everyone was silent for a few seconds. "Percy, didn't you hit your head?" Annabeth looked at him like he was insane.
       "That's it!! I've got it...some of my memories just..appeared. Percy and I knew each other when we were younger...Percy's mom would bring him to our house on Saturdays," I said, looking at Percy.

Okay guys...guess who's back.                        I'm so incredibly sorry. I haven't uploaded in forever. I'm just so busy constantly!! But that's just an excuse...feel free to yell at me all you want in the comments. But...5K reads!! What?!?! That's insane! Thank you so much.
Okay now I'm just rambling sooo byeeeee!

Ps. Does it annoy anyone else when your writing and it always either tries to correct Annabeth's name or says it's wrong?

Okay for real this time..byeeee!

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