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Thomas P.O.V

"Sorry." I offered my hand to Teresa after nocking her to the ground for the third time. She took my hand and shook her head as she stood back up. "I don't understand why I can't do this. Everyone else seems to be picking it up." She looked very aggravated, so I tried to cheer her up, "I'm sure you'll get it soon. That time was kind of better than the last time." I wasn't even looking at her as I said it. I was to focused on finding Percy and Annabeth, I hadn't seen them for a couple of hours, and it was getting close to lunch time. "Thomas." I looked at her, wondering why she looked so irritated.

"I asked if you wanted to take a break. I'm exhausted," She said as she started to walk towards a grassy bit of the ground. I sat next to her, looking around for Percy and Annabeth. I wanted to ask them for some tips about the whole fighting thing. I was also wondering how Percy had managed to kill a griever. "Can I ask you something?" Teresa's voice brought me out of my thoughts as she poked my forehead. "Uh, yeah. Go for it."

"What are you looking for?" There was a hint of jealousy in her voice, though I really didn't understand why. "Nothing. Just thinking about finally getting out of here. My last few days here had felt like a century, so even if I was lying, I was still kind of telling some truth. I didn't really have a reason for not telling her what I was actually thinking about, I just felt that it should be kept to myself. It could've been the way she looked at Percy and Annabeth. Like they were trespassing on her territory. "Thomas. Tell me the truth."

I never had been a good liar, which my mom said was a good thing, but I really didn't think so anymore. Teresa was good at reading people anyway, I should have known that my lame lie wouldn't fool her. "Seriously, it's nothing." Her face showed two emotions, Anger and disappointment. "What do you mean it's nothing? Thomas, is it about that girl? The way you look at her.." She glared at the ground, the jealousy was so obvious on her face, I mentally cringed. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything. It's none of my business." She kept glaring at the ground.

"Teresa, I'm sorry if you think I'm ignoring you or something. You're one of my closest friends right now. I really don't want to be fighting, not with this whole situation already causing chaos. Please, forgive me." I gave her my best smile, though I really had no reason to be apologizing. I had no idea what she was so mad about, though I did notice her cringe at the word 'friend.' "You're forgiven I guess," She said after huffing and crossing her arms over her chest. "Do you think this whole 'plan' thing is actually going to work? Because I don't," She said, trying to change the subject.

"I really hope so, I have full trust that Percy will find a way to get all of us out of here." I said as I started looking around again, but this time I was trying to hide it. I just couldn't get them out of my head. "Look, if you don't want to talk to me, then just say it!" I spun my head in surprise, seeing Teresa stand up as it felt like she was staring strait into my soul. "Sorry! What did you say?!" She just got even more aggravated. "I don't even know why I try," She said as she stomped off, gaining looks from other gladers. What did I do wrong? I thought about running to apologize, but then realized that I didn't even know what I was apologizing for.

"Whatever." I got up off the ground And walked around , continuing my search for Percy and Annabeth. When I caught a glance of long blonde hair, I was excited to say the least. I spotted the two of them walking off together, towards the tool shed that was barely even used. I thought about it for a second, then decided to follow them. As they entered the shed I quickened my pase until I had reached the three steps up to the door. Then I heard three voices. Two were Percy and Annabeth's, but the other, I didn't recognize. I couldn't understand what they were saying so I slowly krept up the stairs until I reached the door, crouching, I started listening to the conversation.

"We found some people in the laberynth, they call themselves gladers," I heard Percy say. "Percy has a plan, but we aren't sure of anything yet. We will give you more details later, but we just wanted to know if everthing was going okay at camp." At first I thought they had been lying to us about helping us all, considering they were talking to someone behind our backs, but then Annabeth mentioned something about a camp. Percy had said something about living in a camp that has other demi-gods or whatever. They must have been worried about them, that makes since. There's no reason to be second guessing my trust in them. But how were they even talking to someone? I couldn't ask them because ethen they would know that I had listened in on their conversation.

"We have had over fifty new campers this week," The deep voice said. I was pretty sure I had missed something, but whatever, I'll take the information that I can get. I put my ear against the door to continue listening in, but the someone called for Annabeth and Percy and the two ended the conversation in a hurry. "We have to go Chiron, but we will talk to you some more later." I heard fot steps coming to the door and I realized what they would think if they found me outside, crouched and leaning against the door.

I dove off the side of the steps and rolled to the side of the building. I looked down to see my clothes coated in mud. Great. I made my self as flat against the wall as I could as Annabeth and Percy came out of the door. They walked on, to focused on their conversation to notice me. After they had walked a good way I also started walking. Then I realized..what if someone saw me listening to them? I looked around to see if anyone was around, but then I saw that they were all crowded around something. I started to jog, then I realized they were crowding around a girl, but not just any girl, it was Teresa.

I quickened my pase to a sprint until I reached her, pushing my way through the crowd. "What happened to her?" I demanded as I noticed Annabeth leaning over her. "She called me stupid, and asked if I would sparr with her. Then this happened." Gally came out of the crowd, with a smirk on his face. I glared at him, suddenly angry. "Why would you do that?!" His smirk only grew larger as he looked down at her. "Why not?" He laughed and started walking away, but I grabbed his shirt. "Let go." I didn't let go, in fact my fist collided with his stomach.

He fell to the ground but quickly got back up. He looked scared. Haha. I've been working on my galre, hoping to be able to scare hime off if I needed to. Then I noticed he wasn't looking at me. I turned to find that Percy was standing there, fuming. He glared at Gally, obviously he wasn't too happy. "I suggest that you turn around and get out of my sight for a while, before you get hurt." Gally looked shocked. Even I was scared at the new side of Percy. Gally turned around and almost tripped, but he recovered and ran off somewhere else. "Those kind of people always tend to get me riled up. Sorry," Percy said after he received a look from Annabeth.

"Anyways, How's Teresa?" I asked, not trying to hide the worry that was in my voice. "She's going to be fine, she's breathing," Annabeth said after seeing the look on my face. "Thank you." Percy looked at me, looking slightly amused. "The question is, what happened to you?" Then I realized how muddy I looked and did my best to come up with a lie. "Umm, just sparring you know?"

"Uh-hu, okay."

Yes! This was the third time writing this chapter, and I'm so glad that it's done. As always, thank you guys for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I tried to make this chapter a little longer than usual since you guys had to wait so long for it. Again thank you so much, and know that I appreciate all of the comments. Bye!

Percy Jackson Maze Runner crossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin