Chapter 1

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Dan's Pov

*beep beep beep* Oh god shut up, I yell at my alarm clock. Its 7:30 and I have to go to school, just great. Just a day of torture. Then even more torture after school. I get beat up by Phil and his stupid gang for my sexuality. I'm not even gay. I'm straight, so they're making fun of me for no reason. I mean I do understand why they think I would be gay, but I'm not. Well... if I find the right guy, who knows what might happen. I mean ... Anyways I may dress in all colors and wear flower crowns, but who said clothes define your sexuality. It's 7:55, I need to be in school in ten minutes. That's what I get for being a lazy twat. I jump out of bed and put on a pink over sized sweater with black jeans, cause why not. I didn't have enough time to straighten my whole hair, so I put on a flower crown on and straighten the front. It was now 8:00. I have five minutes to get to school. I ran out of the house and half way there I looked down at the floor and I didn't have shoes on. I mentally slapped myself. There's no point of going back. I have shoes in my locker. Its 8:15, I'm 10 minutes late. I would of made it, but I had to go get my shoes from my locker so, now I have to walk in there and have everyone stare at me great. After like 5 minutes of deciding when to go in, I finally enter the room. Just as I said everyone stared and me. "Daniel your late, your never late," Mrs.Jensen said. She was my favorite teacher and this was my favorite class. It's art class and it's the only place I get to actually do what I want. I responded back, "Yes I'm very sorry." "Well you know I can't give special treatment, sorry but detention after school Daniel," She replied. "Yes I know" Mrs.Jensen. After that I walked to my seat all the way in the back of the room. Class began.

Phil's Pov

I wake up and it's 8:15. Fuck I scream as I'm running to get ready. I put on black skinny jeans with a normal black t-shirt. Followed by a beanie with my black converse. Did I mention I only wear black. I ran out of my house. I got to school at 8:25. I walk into my first class of the day. ART!, and quite honestly I really enjoy that class. I closed the door to hard, so it made a loud noise. I heard Mrs. Jensen say, "Can you slam the door any harder." I reply," Your mum's a door." I really didn't mean to respond so rudely (is it rude idek) but it's just a force of habit, I guess. "Detention after school Phil." Mrs. Jensen told me. Couldn't blame her to be honest I deserved it. I nodded in respond. I went to go sit down, in the back of the room. I see Dan back there, he's always so alone I sometimes feel bad for the guy. Like I know I'm mean to him but I really don't mean to. I put this bad boy act just to not seem like the weak one. I been there once and it hurts like a bitch. Anyways, he always is in his little notebook, I wonder what he keeps in there. The lesson went by pretty quickly. Well I did miss like half of the lesson. Its second period now. I walk to my second period class, but I stop when I hear a shriek. I look around to see where it's coming from. I see my "friends" beating up this kid. "Hey yo Phil. Where you been, your gonna miss the fun." I heard my friend Jared say. I don't want to hit him right now. I see Dan on the floor. He's in pain. I feel eyes stare at me. I notice I was staring for a while now. I say, "Leave it for later, We can have more fun after school." They all nod in agreement. We all walk away. Dan sits there for a while before getting up an getting to class. We literally have all of the same classes together.

Dan's Pov

What? I questioned. That was strange. Phil would never save it for later. He would hit me whenever he had the chance. Whatever... I get up and headed to second period. The day went by fast. Great, I say sarcastically. I'm just going to end up with new bruises everywhere. I then remembered I had detention. Thankfully being late gave me something to be grateful for. I head back to my art class for detention. I see Mrs. Jensen there and this other kid. He looks up when I opened the door. Great Phil is here. Such great thing to happen to me. I can kiss not getting beat up goodbye. I go to the back of the room and sit alone. I pull out my drawing journal. In it, I draw everywhere I want to go in the world. Everyplace I want to visit. I hear Mrs. Jensen talking. I look up. "I'll be right back guys, I need to get something from the printer." I look down in fear. Me, alone with Phil. Just perfect. I hear the door open again hoping its Mrs. Jensen again. NOPE it's Jared, Charlie, and Seth. Phil looks up in shock. "What are you guys doing here," I hear Phil say.
"We came to finish our job," Jared says. Jared grabs me by the collar and socks me in the stomach.
"Phil your turn," Jared says. Phil gets up and walks over to me. He looks me in the eye and knees me in the nuts. I fall to the ground, wincing in pain. Phil walked to the back, as the rest kept kicking me. When they heard footsteps coming Jared and the rest jumped out of the window. I gather myself back up and sit on the chair trying to hide the pain. "Okay Daniel and Phillip you may leave now," Mrs. Jensen says. I leave and walk home. Once I got home, I put on my ear buds and lay on my bed tuning out the world. I didn't know I was crying until I felt tears on my neck. I cried myself to sleep.

Different Isn't Always A Bad Thing (phan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora