Chapter 2

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Phil's Pov

I didn't want to hit him, but I had to. I don't want to be mean to him for many reasons, but I can't risk it. After detention I saw him walking out. He looked like he was in so much pain. I don't know how he handles it. When I use to be in his shoes, I wouldn't even want to walk a quarter of a mile without wanting to start crying. I noticed that he lives very close to me, like two houses down the block. I wonder what it would be like if we met when we were children. We would probably be best friends, but my fuck upped ass has to go and torture him. Once I got home, I went to my room. My parents are mostly never home so I have the house to myself. Which leads me blasting muse in the house, lieing on my bed, ending up falling asleep, dreaming about a beautiful brown haired guy with gorgeous brown eyes.


I was in the park. It looks like it's early in the morning. I see Jared coming over to me. He's not alone, he's with Seth and Charlie. Seth and Charlie have someone in their arms. It's Dan. He looked beaten up. I just want to go over there and help him, but I can't.
Jared:" Your turn Phil."
" I can't Jared."
Jared: "Why not? Are you a fag like him?"
"NO! I'm not, I just don't want to hurt him. Is that such a bad thing?"
Jared: "You fancy him, don't you? I knew you were gay." "NO! I don't fancy him." Jared: "Prove it then Phil. Hit your lover boy over there."
"Fine!" I screamed.
I walked up to Dan. He looks scared and hurt. I don't want to hurt him. I placed my hand on his cheek and looked at him straight in the eye. He really does has beautiful eyes. Seth and Charlie let go of him, I'm guessing they think that I'm going to hit him. I got lost in the moment. I started to lean in and saw Dan doing the same. We kissed. *End of Dream*

I woke up in shock. I looked up at the clock and it was 7:00 in the morning. I have to get up for school. Before I got up for school I was thinking about the dream. I dreamed about kissing Daniel. Wait me kissing a boy? Could I be gay? Oh god no. That's just more reasons of being tortured in school. I bet it's nothing. Dreams are just dreams.

Dan's Pov

I woke up at 7:00 in the morning. I layed in bed for a while thinking of the dream that I had last night. I was on my way to the Manchester eye, but I wasn't alone. I was with a black haired guy with beautiful blue eyes. We got on the Ferris wheel. We were hand to hand the whole ride without staring at each other. Once we were on top of the Ferris wheel, the ride got stuck. I turned to see the guy I was with. I saw somebody that I didn't expect to see here... I saw Phil. I haven't seen him in my dreams for a long time. Phil pulls me into a hug. I hug back, not really sure what I'm doing. He pulls away and looks into my eyes. I started to lean in. He did the same. WE KISSED!! Then my stupid alarm woke me up. After I got ready, I walked out of the house. During the walk to school, I saw Phil. He looked up and saw me. I decided to walk up to him, cause why not. He has beaten me up a lot times. What's the worst that could happen.

Phil's Pov

I see Dan across the street from me. That's strange. I have never seen him around this part of the neighborhood. Well this is actually the first time going this way. I usually go through the cemetery, but I'm not sure why, but something told me to go this way. Should I walk over to him? I should apologize for all the mean things I have done to him. Shit, he's walking over to me.
Dan: "Hey Phil"
"Um hey Dan, Not to sound weird, but what do you want."
Dan: "Oh I don't know, I just wanted to ask you, why the fuck do you beat me up. What have I ever done to you?"
I stood there shocked....

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