Chapter 12

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Dan's Pov
Once we got into the car, we saw PJ, Jared, and Chris in the front seat. Chris was sitting onPJ's lap, which isn't very safe. I saw Phil stop and stare at PJ. I gave him an "are you okay" look and he just smiled. I knew that it was fake though. Why has he been so sad lately? Is it because of PJ? When I got into the car, I got a lot of glares from Seth and Charlie. There wasn't any room in the car for all of us to fit, so Jared told Seth to drive and Jared would go to the back of the car with me, Charle ,Phil. Jared told me to sit on his lap, so we could all fit. My legs were on Charlie and I could tell that he was pissed off, but Jared gave him glare that made him shut up. I was glad....Once we were getting through the driveway, there was a bump that made me jump and fall. Which caused my back fall on Phil's crotch. I looked up, he was smiling at me. I felt myself blushing. Jared coughed and made me snap out of the moment that was happening. Phil's smile dropped and pushed me back up. When we got to the party, there was more than "a few people". Jared lied. The house so full, that you could barelymove without bumping into a group of girls. Jared got pulled away by his friends. Seth and Charlie ditched us the minute we got into the party. Pj and Chris went upstairs;). So it was just me and Phil.."Um do you want to go get a beer." he asked. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen. I noticed that he was limping. Wait! Wow. Okay.

**2 hours later**

I'm really sure how long we have been here. All I know is that I am drunk and that I'm in a basement. there was a few other people, including me, around a coffee table. Phil, Jared, Seth, Charlie, PJ, Chris, Emma, Emily, Brianna, and other people that I didn't bother remembering their names, were there. We were playing SPIN THE BOTTLE....BLIND FOLDED. Which is pretty much regular spin the bottle, but you can't see the person spinning the bottle. I got a tap on my shoulder. Which meant that I got picked to go inside the closet with some else and pretty much make out with them for only 7 minutes. I got up and walked to the closet with great difficulties. After the second person walked into the closet, somebody from the outside screamed... 7 minute...have fun. I'm guessing they turned off the lights from the outside cause no light could be seen. Let's get this over with, the person whispered. I couldn't recognize the voice. I put my hands on the person's chest. No boobs. It could be a boy. The "boy" put his hands on my waist and leaned in. The kiss was OMG!! It's better than kissing Jared. I know that he's my boyfriend and all, but still. SPARKS. BUTTERFLIES. LUST. I need to know who this is. I yelled away and whispered "who is this". I think he knew who I was because he let go of my waist and put my shirt over my head and pushed me down. RUDE!! And ran out the closet. After I got out of the closet, the person was gone. I looked over to the table and everyone was there. I shrugged.

Phil's Pov
Jesus Fucking Christ. Out if all the people, I had to be in a closet with Dan. I feel bad for doing what I did to him, but he's with Jared, I can't do that to him. I felt something though... I went back to sit down in my seat. Dan soon walked out of the closet. Emma was staring at me, Emma is one of my best friends. She mouthed "what's wrong". I just shook my head. I put my blind back on.
Jared wanted to drive home, but I didn't let him. He was wasted as fuck. I'm driving. I'm drunk, but I'm not that drunk. I dropped Dan off at home. Jared asked if he could spend the night at my house because his parents would be pissed off if they would see hime like this. I helped him into my house and placed him on my bed. I went downstairs to go get a glass of water for him. When I got back, he was only in his boxers. Honestly, he's pretty hot. EW WHAT THE FUCK PHIL, he's your best friend's boyfriend. I sat him up and told him to drink some water. After finished the water, he stared at me. He has pretty eyes. He starts to lean in. I do the same. He presses his lips onto mine. I kissed back-NO! THIS IS WRONG!! I pushed him off me. I got up and walked out the door. "Goodnight Jared" I told him. I walked downstairs and layer on the couch. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO? YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID. HOW COULD DO THAT TO DAN!!

Jared's Pov
Honestly I don't remember anything from last night. I do remember kissing Phil though. It felt amazing. There was like something there- JARED STOP!! YOU'RE WITH DAN. YOU'VE HURT HIM ENOUGH. I heard a knock on the door. I remembered that I was in phils room. "Hi love, Phil let me in" Dan said. Hi Dan, I replied. "I brought you some pills and a cup of water" he said. Thanks, I said. "Um hi guys... Do you guys want breakfast," Phil asked. We nodded and we went downstairs. I sat on the stool and Dan sat on my lap facing towards me. He kissed me and I kissed back. I opened my eyes during the kiss and I saw the hurt in Phil's eyes. It's probably because of last night. I pulled away and told Dan to get off. He nodded and sat on the stool right next to me. Phil made pancakes. He makes really good pancakes. After we finished eating, Dan was helping Phil with the dishes. They were string into each other's eyes. It honestly didn't look like a "friend" stare. It was like Dan wanted to eat him. I know I kissed Phil, but I'm getting jealous. Dan just grabbed Phil's hand!! There's only one way to make them stop taking to each other. PERMANENTLY!! But I can't do that to Phil- wait...did he really just blush. That's it. "Dan do you want to go out on a date tonight?" I asked. "Sure," he replied. There was hurt in Phil's eyes again.

Dan's Pov
Jared took me out to the movies. It was a good date. He's driving me home now. "Dan?" he asked. Yeah, I replied. "I need to tell you something, but please don't get mad at Phil, he didn't mean to do anything," he said. Why would I be mad for though? "Okay....go on, I said. " night, Phil kissed me," he said. "What!!!" I said. No he can't. He would never do that to me.......

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