Chapter 8

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Phil's POV
Dan's at my house. Its nice having his company. He suggested we play truth or dare. What the hell, it might be fun. Dan's downloading a truth or dare app on his phone.
"Hey Phil do you want it dirty or clean," Dan asked.
"Let's go semi dirty/clean."

He nodded and found the perfect one. He put our names in.

For his he put danisnotonfire and for mine he put amazingphil because he thinks I'm amazing.
I'm not.

"Ok the thing is ready, " Dan said. "Wait! Let's go to my room. Just incase we have to do something really embrassing, my mom can't catch us doing it. " He nodded and said race ya. He sprinted off the couch and ran upstairs. I was only a step behind him. When we got into my room. We sat on the floor. We sat in front of each other criss crossed. Dan put his phone in front of the both of us and pushed the button. It read Danisnotonfire truth or dare? Dan put truth.
Is it true that you have never had your first kiss?
Dan: Yes.
Wow I was shocked. I would of expected Dan to have his first kiss already. Your turn Phil
Amazingphil truth or dare.
I dare you to kiss the toilet seat.
What?! No I'm not doing that. Nope. No

Dan: You have to do it.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I sat next to the toilet. I don't want it.

Dan: its a dare now do it.

I closed my eyes and put my lips to the toilet seats. Ugh!

Dan: ewww Phil

Whatever we ran back to my room. Ok your turn Dan.

Danisnotonfire truth or dare?
I dare you to lie face down and let amazingphil sit on you for 20 seconds.
Me: face down Daniel!
Dan: ugh don't kill me
I sat on Dan for 20seconds. He flipped and made me fall on top of him. We were face to face now. He has really gorgues eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly. We started to lean in. But he coughed and said "you turn Phil". Way to kill the moment.

Dan's POV
Wow that's was intense. It's not like I didn't want to kiss him. I did, but it won't be a real kiss. He just got his heart broken. I can't just go and kiss him. After a few other truth and dares. We got grossed out. They were good truth and dares, but just no. One of the dares were to go running butt naked down the street. Thankfully Phil didn't make me do it. We decided to order some pizza for dinner. Since I was spending the night. I didn't want to leave Phil alone. I texted my parents and asked them a while ago. They said that's its alright just to be home before dinner tomorrow. My sister's with her boyfriend tonight. So mom and dad have some alone time ;). Eww wtf. I'm so weird. That's just gross. Once the pizza got here. Me and Phil had a little argument on who was going to pay. So I may have locked Phil in the closet. This is not pity. I just felt bad. So I wanted to pay. After I payed the pizza man. I put the pizza on the coffee table and went to let Phil out of the closet now. He punched me in the arm. I just laughed. We put some anime on and ate pizza. This is going to be a fun night.

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