Chapter 5

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Dan's Pov

On my way back to my seat. I see Phil's not there anymore. Where did he go? When I got to my seat I saw Phil on the floor. I don't think people just lay on the floor to take a nap. I tried to wake him up, but he didn't. I started to freak out. I may not like him, but he's still a person. Even if he beats me, I can't just leave him there. "Mrs. Jensen!" I yelled out running to the front of the class room. "Yes Daniel", she replied. "P-Phil, he's not moving. I think he past out." Mrs. Jensen ran to my seat and went to check on Phil. "He's breathing, that's a good" sign, she said, "Dan is there a possible way you can carry him to the nurses office, "she added. I can't say no. "I can try," I replied. I put my arm under his legs and my other one behind his back. Carrying him bridal style. Everyone started staring at me. I felt my anxiety starting to go up. But I couldn't have a anxiety attack right now. I need to help Phil. I walked out of the door and headed to the nurses office. Once I got there, I told her what happened. I actually don't really know what happened. I put him on the bed that the nurses office has. I forgot what they're called. He didn't wake up. He finally woke up after pretty much school ended. I didn't want to leave him there by-himself. So I stayed there by his side. Hoping he will wake up.

Phil's Pov

Where am I? I saw Dan next to me. Why is he here? What happened? I tried thinking about what happened before I past out. I had an anxiety attack. I don't remember what even happened. I saw Dan look up. "Um are you ok," he asked. "I think so, do you know how I got here?" I asked, pretty curious as to how. "Well I carried you here. Mrs. Jensen couldn't do it, so she asked me to carry you here. You've been here for mostly the whole day. They called your mom, she said she couldn't make it." He explained. Typical mom, she doesn't really, how do I put it, like me. I get that she's my mom, but she hates my guts, I thought to myself. "I didn't want to leave you by yourself, so I just stayed here," he said. "Thank you Dan. But you didn't have to," I responded. "Oh I just told the nurse that. I actually didn't want to go back to class, so I just stayed to get out of class," he said. OUCH. I felt pain in my chest. "Whatever, um are we still going to your place after school," I asked him. Not really sure why, but I really need to get a good grade on this project. "If you want. Are you feeling ok?, he asked me. Yeah I'm fine."

Daniel's Pov

What the fuck did I say that. That's messed up, even for me. I may not like him, but I saw the hurt in his eyes. I feel bad now. After he left the nurses office the bell rang, so we were allowed to leave. We walked out to the gates side by side. I'm not really sure why, but I felt so tempted to just hold his hand. "Hey Phil, Um I wanted to um well I wanted to apologize for what I said," I told him. "Its fine Dan don't worry about it," he said. "NO ITS NOT FINE PHIL!," I yelled. "Yes it is Dan," he said back. "No," I said. I pushed him up against a tree. I don't know what I'm doing. "Dan let me go and lets go to your house," he said. I covered his mouth with my hand. I look him in the eyes. "It's not fine Phil. That was taking it too far. I'm so sorry."He was about to respond until someone said his name. It was Pj. I let Phil go. "Um..Phil I was hoping I could talk to you," Pj said. "But if it's a bad time I can come back later." He continued, seeing the situation we were in. "No its fine. What's up," Phil said walking up to Pj.

Phil's Pov

I felt weird being put up against a tree. With Dan holding me back. I felt a spark. Ok I pretty sure I'm gay or bi. I feel turned on. Um ok that's weird. I heard Pj call my name. He's actually the only real friend I have. He asked me if he can talk to me, I said yeah. I walked over to him, leaving Dan. He waited for me by the gates. So whats up, I asked. "Um well I was wondering if um," Pj said. He seemed really nervous. That's strange Pj never gets nervous. "Yeah? Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow," he asked. I was shocked. I didn't know Pj was gay. "Sure," I replied. "Really?!" He shouted excitedly. "Yes really," I said. "Ok I'll text you later, Bye Phil."
"Bye Pj!"
I walked back over to Dan. "You ready to go Dan? "
"Uh yeah, may I ask what he wanted, "he asked.
"Oh he just asked me out. "Shit did I just admit to him about being gay.
"Ooh," Dan said. He sounded sad. Strange. "Anyways you want to go to your house now," I asked. "Yeah let's go. "
We started to walk to his house. We didn't talk much. Its was awkward. Once we got to his house, we went to his room. He sat in a chair by his desk and I sat on his bed. "Let's start," he said. "Ok"

Dan: "Ok, First question. Favorite Band?"

Phil: "Hmm, hard choice, but I gotta go with Muse."

Dan: "No way. You like muse."

Phil: "Like? No LOVE!"

Dan: "Same! Ok well that's one for thing we have in common."

Phil: "Yeah, next question, Favorite animal?"

Dan: "Llama's all the way"

Phil: "Ha no Lions all the way. "

Dan: "If you say so, Ok next question, Favorite Color?"

Phil: "Black pretty much, oh also blue."

Dan: "Mines Pink and purple"

Phil: "Favorite Fruit? Mine is Watermelon"

Dan: "Am I the most boring in the world if I say orange."

Phil: "yes haha, just kidding"

Dan's Pov

After we finished all the questions, we ordered a pizza. We actually have more things in common then I ever thought. If we have met before he became popular, we would have been really good friends. "When do you want to start on the actual poster," Phil asked.
"How about tomorrow? "I asked.
"I can't, I have my date with Pj. "
is it bad if I feel jealous. I shouldn't feel jealous, but I do.
"Oh ok how about the next day?, "I asked.
"Ok sure. Do you want to do it here or my house?, "he asked.
"Um your house if you want. I'm not scared anymore." Phil's actually pretty nice. After we finished eating we played Mario kart. He left my house at 8:30. After he left I cleaned up a bit and went on tumblr till like 1:00 am and kept on thinking about Phil being with Pj...I wish that was me.

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