Poem I

882 9 2

She was my friend,

Or so I thought,

Just 'round the bend,

T'was death she brought,

Pale as could be,

That frail little thing,

As soft as the sea,

Not even a being,

Chained by the thought,

Locked in the dark,

Yet to be caught,

And left with a mark,

Drowning in weakness,

Surrounded by torment,

Buried in loneliness,

Suffocated by judgement,

Awaiting the tomorrows,

Manipulated by she,

To be freed of the sorrows,

But now finally free


Based my struggle with anorexia nervosa. This poem basically expresses how, in seeking a friend and control in anorexia, you ended loosing your control, and it controls you. Everything you do, think, and see is controlled by it.

Keep Holding On

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