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A Love Long Gone

I still remember your eyes,
How they sparkled,
How it was like looking through a crisp creek,
and seeing the golden pebbles below,

I still remember your tenor voice,
How it crackled like fire,
How it's sung it's tunes so sweet,
Sung sounds so soft I could practically feel it...
Like silk beneath my fingers,

I still remember your mouth,
How the soft pink buds were thick and sweet,
How they pulled up at the corners like theatre drapes to reveal your less than perfect teeth,

I still remember your nose,
How it stood strong and proud against your face,
How it was crooked, ever so slightly to the left...
and how you hated it, and wished it straight,

I still remember these things,
And I still remember the pain,
And I still feel the twinge of hurt and the twinge of jealousy when I see you with her,
We were never together,
We were only ever friends,
But I loved you.
I loved your beaver teeth, and your crooked nose.
I loved your fire voice and your pebble eyes.

But so does she.
Your eyes no longer light up for mine- they never truly did,
Your smiles are wider, and your teeth  are straighter, and your nose-
Well it's still the same, but you've learned to love it because of her,

I still remember when we finally spoke after so long a silence,
Your voice is now baritone,
And my heart doesn't beat for you any longer,
Your voice still feels like silk beneath my fingers,
But the silk is of her dress now...

I still love you, I do,
But not in the same way.
We were never meant to be together,
But I will always remember the way you made me feel.

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