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Some people are truly cruel.

We all know that.

We look back in history and see the cruelty, and the injustice.

People will judge, and criticize what they have no right to.

They will attempt to manipulate, and change you- your opinions, religion, your appearance.

It's the way of man kind.

We have entire occupations committed to the act of judging. Shows, debates, politics...

And we except it.

So why can't people except us for who we are?

More so, why can't we except ourselves?

Why do we encourage each other to be true to oneself, and then judge and shame each other when we do as encouraged?

When someone comes out as homosexual, bisexual, etc., why do we judge them?

Discourage them?

Shame them for being honest with themselves and everyone else?

Why do we deny them that right, and the right to their own self security?

Why do we tear people down, then mock their pain?

Why do we deny people the right to feel their own emotions, thoughts, and personalities?

Why has our entire nature become one of judgment, cruelty, and injustice?



Be Careful What You Say, because Words are as Powerful a Weapon as Knives and Cut Just as Deep

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