My Views on Death

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It's inevitable.

And it's something everyone views differently.

Some see as something terrifying.

Some see it as something to look forward too.

Some see it as just something that's going to happen, and don't see the need to think any more on the subject.

And some see as an escape from the turmoil and pain in their life.

My grandmother couldn't wait to die- not because she was unhappy with life, but because she believed in a greater power (God), and as happy as she was here, she believed that she would be even happier in Heaven with God.

For most of my life, I feared death with every molecule of my being. I was terrified of natural disasters, or anything that could cause death. I hated it. Absolutely despised it, because I saw it as the thing that took the person I loved more than myself. Then, during my darkest time, I saw death as something that could be my way out. It seemed like the only answer at my lowest moments.

I don't feel this way now.

I see at as something that people shouldn't be afraid of.

I've come to see that it's just a part of life. I often hear people say "they died much too soon," or "they were too young to die". I disagree. I'm a rather spiritual person. I believe in God, and in Heaven, and I believe that God has a plan for my life, and for everyone's.

Thus, my personal belief is that no one dies too soon, or too young, because God had their life planned.

I know that not everyone believes in God, and that many people will fight this belief.

So, I will generalize it and word it slightly differently. I believe passionately that everything happens for a reason, and therefore death, and struggles, and battles of all kinds.

Everything happens for a reason. Lessons can be learned, taught, and people can become wiser and stronger.

The death of a person can change lives, that I know for a fact, but it's our choice whether or not it changes a life positively (not necessarily right away) or negatively is a personal choice, and how we choose to view it is a personal choice.


"I Shall Find the Crystal of Peace"

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