Poem XI

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Note to self:
Don't get drunk with someone you don't trust.
If his response to you saying no to sex is "keep your mind open", walk the hell away from him. He is not worth your time.
Do not settle.
Do not associate with those who demand favors for kindness.
Do not be distracted by sweet talk- even the quietest animals can have the harshest bites.
You do not have to be kind to those who have used you.
Don't live your life by ultimatums.
If you say no, stand your ground.
There are not buts in no.
Be proud in what you stand for.
Don't be afraid to say what you are, the world is full of people who will disapprove. It is not their opinions that matter.
Feminism is not a bad word, do not be ashamed of it.
Never let someone silence your voice.
Speak up.
Some people are just not worth your time.
No is a reason.
Stand up for people.
Tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Never assume someone knows how you feel.
Don't be afraid of the dark.
If you are afraid that you're going to regret an action, you probably are.
Never say yes unless you mean it. But you always allowed to change your mind.
Speak up.
No is a valid answer.
Speak up.
No is an answer.
Speak up.
Speak loud.
Say no.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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