Beauties of the World

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Having a truck driver as a mother has it's perks. I've gotten to travel around to different states and see the monumental sights of our country.

I've seen the Statue of Liberty, the Chicago skyline at sunrise.

I've driven through the fields of Minnesota as the sun was setting, and all around us were the fireflies floating about.

I've seen waterfalls and the plains that raised Laura Ingalls Wilder.

I've mountains and cliffs galore.

One of the most brilliant sights I've ever seen was the Kootenai River in Montana.

It was a summer morning, the sun was already hot in the sky. It was as though the atmosphere was on a glorious high after being drowned in an unforgiving season of gray wetness. The river seemed swollen and was ripping relentlessly through its trail. It seemed as if it was roaring with all it's might, as if it's existence depended on making its glory known to all. It wailed and sang a tune of strength and courage, capturing the witnesses in a state of awe, both fearing and adoring its raw, furious magic.

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