Identifying and Accepting Emotions

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I personally struggle everyday with my emotions. They're everywhere! I know it's partially those lovely teenage hormones, and partially my depression, but it's a daily struggle.

I've learned, though, that meditating, or getting in touch with myself, and God (or whoever/whatever for you), helps me to start off my day.

I'm a Christian (Baptist, or more or less non-denominational) and I find that taking a moment to pray for a God's guidance through out the day helps me.

Another thing that I do every morning which really helps me is this:

Every morning, I look in the mirror and take a moment to identify who I am that day, and identify what I am feeling. I commit to that emotion.

I know that sometimes I Wil have days where I start out happy, and will end it feeling depressed and alone. That's just how it is for me.

I've grown up with a father who's constantly told me that I have no right to feel what I do, which is what made me feel even worse. It confused me greatly.

How can I have no right to feel unhappy? And if I have no right to feel this way, then why do I?

The thing is, and this has taken me way too long to realize, I have every right to feel these things.

The thought that I hadn't that right caused unbelievable mental and emotional chaos.

But being able to recognize and accept my emotions is huge, and will make getting through those negative emotions that much easier.

You have the right to feel what you do, so take a moment each morning to recognize that emotion, identify who you are that day, and set a goal to maintain that. Own up to it.

"You are entitled unto your own emotions." -Demi Lovato


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