Rant II

136 7 0

The color of your hair shouldn't define you. The style clothes you wear, the make up, the car you drive- none of these thingsn should define you, despite what society says. Because these things- they're all just physical aspects. That mistake you made three years ago does not define you.

The number on the scale does not define you. That number is just a physical aspect. That number doesn't describe you, it describes a physical aspect- it shouldn't matter what your weight is. Your true friends don't care about that number. They don't care what size clothes you wear. They care about you- your heart and personality in all its beauty.

Beauty isn't a number on a scale. It isn't the cup size of your bra, or the size of your pants. It's your heart. It's your personality. It's who you are. Because when that special someonesees you, they don't see you as a size, or the number on the scale- no, they see you for who you are. They see all the beauty of you on the inside.

In the entirety, the physical doesn't matter. It doesn't define you.


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