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I was still at the beach house I had rented for the duration of my writing process. Weight still laid on my shoulders of all the shit in my life. Relaxation was the key, but I couldn't find any serenity when all I thought about was the future.

With my head in my notebook and a pen in my hand, I flipped through old songs I had written long ago. Something, anything that was deemed great enough to record and put on my album. I needed only three more songs.

Unofficially, one of the three songs was possibly going to be a song that featured Ellie, at her request, which meant I needed two more. Two more fucking songs that I didn't have any idea how to write.

"Hey, I'm heading out." Ellie says, standing in the doorway. Past her, through the sliding glass door that led inside, I saw her suitcases packed and by the front door. "Just thought I should let you know."

"Okay." I mumbled.

She saunters over to me, presses her thin lips to my forehead, and says, "I'll call you later."

"Okay." I repeat.

"We won't see each other for a while. Are you going to give me a hug goodbye?" She asks, opening her arms up to me. Pouting her lip ever so slightly.

I don't stand. I barely look at her as I say, "We're going to have to meet up before the VMAs anyway. I'll see you then."

"That's at, like, the end of summer."


"I take it you don't even want to see me."

I look up at her. Lost in my own daze and not exactly hearing what she said, I ask, "What?"

She rolls her eyes at me. She withdraws from where she stood seconds before, storms off, and slams the sliding glass shut. Leaving me outside with my thoughts and I'm thankful for that. She expected me to chase after her, but I wasn't going to. I stayed seated.

My girlfriend – no, she wasn't my girlfriend. She was someone I casually slept with. She left, just like that. After being here a few weeks with me, trying to take my mind of things and annoying the hell out of me in the loveliest way possible, she left pissed off. She was going back to her normal life; recording songs and performing, and she left me in the angriest way possible.

I had to admit, her not being here anymore was going to be weird. She was loud, eccentric, and she let her presence be known. Spending her days strutting around in a bikini, ordering pizza for me, and ending the night with a good fuck; I would have to adjust to being alone again.

I sigh, continuing to flip through the pages of my old notebook. The pages crinkled and the pencil and pen smeared. Then I see her name and stop. A song I had recorded roughly on my laptop, acoustic, when I was bored one night.

Of fucking course, I think.

This is the song I needed.

It's Never Just Goodbye // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now