If You'd Like To

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Holding onto each other, we stumbled out the doors of the crowded bar and into the night. She’s laughing and her hands are around my waist. Leaving Harry behind, we yelled down a cab and climbed in.

“Back to your place.” I tell her and she tells the cabbie where to go. On the way back I watch the streetlights pass by us in a daze through the fogged windows. Ellie’s hand ran through my hair as she tried to press her wet lips against mine.

I paid the guy and followed her through the doors and into the elevator. “I just checked in today.” She said about the hotel. “The room isn’t huge, but it’s only for tonight.”

She didn’t have a purse and when we hit her door she finally realized she didn’t have a key with her either. “No key.” She said loudly, laughing carelessly. “I must have left it in the room.”

“Oops.” I murmured.

“Come on.” She pulls on my shirt and starts to saunter away. Her feet picking up the pace until her slip-on heels fell off and she left them behind. Down the hallways, I ran after her. The two of us laughing until we were both out of breathe and barefoot in the lobby.

She leaned across the counter. Elbows pressed against the granite as she moved in closer to the manager of the hotel. She read his tag with squinted eyes and said, “Hello Jason. I seem to have lost my key.”

“For your room?” He replied back to her. Unfazed as he typed his way on the computer with quick fingers. She says yes with a slip of her tongue and lets the s slither out like a snake. “Name? Room number? I’m not a phychic.”

I let out a breathy kind of laugh and she rolls her eyes. “I’m up in room 201.”

“Wonderful. You’ll have to pay for the missing key unless you find it.” He says. His voice monotone as he retold her the guildlines. Jason handed her the key quickly and she turned on her heel without saying thank you.

She always walked two steps in front of me. My eyes pressed to the back of her head – blonde waves that fell down her back. “He’s obviously gay.” She tells me. “He didn’t show any possible attraction to me whatsoever.”

“Maybe he thought I was your boyfriend.” I suggest. Pressing the button in the lift for her floor and she laughed. A loud, obnoxious one that echoed throughout the walls of the elevator and down the hallway.

She pushed me with one hand and shook her head, “You’re too ugly to be my boyfriend.”

It would’ve hurt me more if I wasn’t drunk. Being impossibly self concious my entire life, it would have affected me more if I let it but I chose to push past it. I tried a simple laugh because that’s all that was needed, right? A real laugh for a joke.

“Come on.” Ellie tells me. Again I’m following her through the door and into her, what she said was small but was really huge, room. It wasn’t just a room, it was a suite. The ones with the living rooms and kitchens, along with the bedroom and bath.

It went fast with her – everything happened at a faster pace than with other girls. Past the kitchen, we started by the couch. This wasn’t meant to be romantic and the two of us knew that. After all, that’s exactly the way we want it. Fast. Fun. No strings attached.

My own shirt was over my head in only seconds, the first one to do any undressing, and in the back of my brain, my nerves were acting up. She ripped open her own blouse to reveal a lacy, black bra.

“Come on.” She demanded. Pulling at the button of my jeans. “Let’s get this train rolling.”


It's Never Just Goodbye // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now