Say Something

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-twenty six weeks-

I'll be the one, if you want me to.

Anywhere, I would've followed you.

Say something, I'm giving up on you,

And I am feeling so small.

It was over my head

I know nothing at all - A Great Big World

The sun was just setting as Adam lead me into the diner where we were meeting our father for lunch. This was the first time I spent time with my brother since the last time I visited and this wasn't the way I wanted to spend the night, actually. Sitting across the shit-head who my father turned into wasn't pleasant and truthfully, I wasn't looking forward to it. 

He was already waiting there. I secretly praised whatever hostess put us at a circular table instead of a cramped booth. I knew for a fact Adam would have made me sit right next to my dad considering I was pregnant and I would take up a lot of room. It was just the way he was. 

"God help me now." I mumbled and Adam elbowed me, so I'd be quiet. I couldn't even bite my tongue to keep the disgust off my face. 

"Alice," my father said cheerily first as he stood up from the table. "Adam! How are you both?" 

I let him give me a peck on the cheek like he usually did in the mornings at home when he was normal and not cheating on my mum, "Fantastic, as usual." 

"What about you Adam? How's school treating you?" 

He chuckled, "Does it really matter here, dad? I'm all right." 

I knew he didn't say what was actually bothering him. Adam never did. From the time we were little and he was picked on by a school bully, which I still had no clue why because Adam seemed like a pretty cool kid, he would never tell us or spill his guts. Whether it was because he was getting horrible grades or he was still flustered with the separation of my mother and father, we'd never know. 

My dad smile, though, not thinking anything of our weird attitudes and handed us our menus, "I took the courtesy to order you both sodas." 

"I don't drink that shit anymore. I'm a coffee drinker now, dad." I say, trying to smile. I knew he didn't appreciate my tasteful words, but I didn't mind my potty mouth.

He raised his eyebrows, "You know once you have the baby, you'd have to watch your mouth. Kids pick up those words not knowing whether or not they are okay to use." 

I did know that and I would when the time comes. Once my own baby would start talking and saying his first words, I cut back on the nonsense talk. I glared across the table and Adam wiggled in his chair. 

"I'm not sure where you learned those nasty words. I know your mother and I never cussed regularly, unless it slipped." he continued. 

I smirked, "I have friends daddy."

"People will look down on you and your child if you both talk like sailors. I don't like it, so cut it out. You've been cussing like this with you dumb smart mouth for years and I'm sick of it." 

Adam cut in and I silently thanked him, "What does it matter is she cuss' now? Alice is smart and mature enough to know right and wrong enough. Damn, she's a freaking adult for Pete's sake." 

I knew he said damn for me and I loved my little brother for that.

My father sighs, "All right. I apologize for this discussion. I haven't seen you in awhile and I wanted this to go perfect. I miss you both." 

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