Time of Our Life

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The reception was held outside a few miles away. Less than three hours later, everyone parked their cars along the street and in the driveway. Three tents were set up – huge, beautiful tents. And underneath was the dance floor, the food you helped yourself to, and where people could set their gifts they brought for the bride and groom. Tables lined from the boat house they rented and to underneath some of the tents.

While the wedding was classy, the reception was a bit more relaxed. Just how I had pictured it in my mind. Their family sat throughout the tables and the people and old friends occupied the dance floor. The boat house was empty, except for James and Kim.

The entire reception was held against the water. And if you walked just a bit away from the tents, you could stand directly over the water on a tiny cliff that led the way down. Just a bit further than that, on the other side, was the sand that stretched on for miles, where James and Kim had pictures taken.

“When can we go in?” Nina asked me about the boat house.

I said, “Kim told me that after the older relatives leave, they’ll let everyone go in and relax a bit. Drink and dance or whatever.”

“I’m glad it’s not super cold.” She replies. And it wasn’t, I guess. Warmer than earlier and warmer for normal March weather.

Nina and I stood away from the rest of the people and sipped on the concoction mixed by the bartender. Clara sits at a table with Conner and his girlfriend. The baby of hers in Kim’s arms. Her face lighting up. “I wonder when they’ll have their first kid.” I say to Nina.

“I know.” She says. Squinting her eyes from the bright sun as she peers over at her.

“Hello,” Alice says to me as she walks up from the street. She wears a laced, red dress that just hits her knees. Her hair pinned back as much as it would. She looks more put together than the last time I saw her. Oscar stands awkwardly besides her. “We just got here. Did we miss much?”

I can tell she’s trying to do small talk to save us from any awkward run-ins. I smile, “Not much.”

She goes in for a quick hug, similar to the one we had a few months back, and smiles, “Can you believe our Kim is married?”

“It’s unbelievable,” I tell her.

Alice holds out her hand to Nina, “Hi, I’m Alice.”

“Oh, sorry.” I say. “Alice, this is my girlfriend Nina.”

Nina shakes her hand and pulls away, smiling. Unlike Oscar, Nina isn’t smiling to be polite, yet more of the fact she’s elated to meet the so-called-Alice.

Alice nods, eyes wide, and says, “I think we’ve met before. Not properly. It’s really lovely to meet you.”

“Ditto.” Nina replies, then refrains. Shaking her head. “Same here.”

“You obviously know Oscar, Ed.” I nod and held my hand out. I say, “Yeah, man. Hey.”

Oscar nods, “Hey.”

Alice laughs awkwardly and hit her shoulder against his, “Finally get to see the guy who kicked your ass, huh Oscar?” He rolls his eyes, unamused.

He sighs, pulls away from her, and tells her, “I’m going to use the restroom.”

“Oh, I have to go, too! I’ll walk with you!” Nina chimes in and smiles at me over her shoulder meekly before walking away with Oscar.

Alice nudges me with her shoulder and smiles up at me. No matter if she’s wearing heels, she’s still so much shorter. “Nina’s really pretty.” She pushes up against me just a bit.

It's Never Just Goodbye // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now