Chapter 1

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Laura's POV

Today was just a regular boring day. I was begging my mom to bring me to the park  so I wouldn't be that bored but I would still be bored. My sister is 6 and she goes to school. It's just a a plain old November day and I just became 3 years old. Good thing is that I convinced my mom to bring me to the park and I'm getting dressed to go to the park right now.

"Honey, Laura lets go to the park!!!" I heard my mom say. "Coming mom!!!" I yelled back. I ran downstairs so I can go to the park. "Ready honey" my mom asked. "Yeah mom" I answered.

I was really excited!!  at the moment I live in California so it's warm. I knew I was gonna be bored all by myself but hopefully I'll make a friend  which barely happens. The park was in front of my house. It was a private house is was a park just for my neighborhood. There are always a pair of boys in the park they were all blonde.  one boy looked like a boy in my age and the other boys were older.  We walked downstairs and I ran to the park and found the blonde boys and another group of boys there but they weren't blonde. I ran to my favorite spot of the park which was the swings. No one was there so I just sat at the swings and started to swing myself alone. I swinger harder and harder my mom was talking on the phone. I  was then swinging even more harder until I was going to fall. I was falling and a blonde boy catches me.

"Are you okay?" The blonde boy asks me. "Yeah I'm ok" I smiled responding back.
"Thank you" the boy put me back on the ground. Was I heavy? Did my mom see that? What will happen?

"I'm Ross and you are..." He asks. "I'm Laura" I answer.  "Nice name" he compliments. "Thanks" I respond back. " hey how old are you and when's  your birthday" I ask.  " I'm 3 and my birthday is  December 29" he responds.  "Oh me too I'm also 3 and my birthday is November 29" I continue.  "So where do you live?" He asks. I point to my house which was in front of the park. " oh I live next door nice to meet you neighbor" sticking his hand for a handshake. " nice to meet you too neighbor and you can just call me Laura." I giggle.  " we can visit each other" he smiled. "We are neighbors after all" he continued. Well he had a point and it would be fun having a buddy to be with me when I'm all alone so I won't have to be lonely. I looked over to my mom and she was angry and fighting in the phone.

"I would love to visit you and you can visit me" I responded to his comment. "Hey Wanna meet my brothers and sister?" He offered. "Sure" I responded. He walked me to where his siblings were they were all blonde and one blonde girl and one brown haired boy. "They were all supposed to go to school except for me and Ryland" he stated.

He introduced all of his siblings Rydel,Rocky, Riker, Ryland and browned haired one Ratliff. My mom walked up to me and asked "new friends?"  "Yeah" I responded. "And mostly boys I see huh?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "Mom.... This is Ross the friend I made and these are his siblings and Ratliff is a family friend they live in the house next to ours." I explain. " Ross is also 3 and we have the same birthday but his is in December" I continue. "Oh well that's great you guys will be best friends I hope" my mom said.
"Thanks  mom" I thank.

My mom let me hang out with the Lynches  in the park. Well we were mostly talking. "So do you have any siblings cause there's a girl that looks just like you that lives next door" Riker asks. "Yeah that's Vanessa she's my older sister she's 6 like Riker." I explain. "Maybe we can meet her sometime." Riker says. Ross and I may be 3 and sometime people don't know what we are saying but Ross and I understand each other cause we speak 3 year old language and Ryland 2 year old language so we kind of understands him. Rydel is mostly the one  with Ryland and carries him a lot cause it reminds her of Ross when is little which he still is but they say that Rydel is mostly close to Ross. Rydel was carrying Ryland the whole time like he's a baby. Everyone's is super nice and Ross even more.

After a while Ross siblings left Ross and I talking. " so do you have any friends other than me and my siblings?" He asked. That question made me look down sadly that I didn't have any friends. "No" i said softly.
Ross saw that my sadness if not having friend it's like he could read me.

"Laura I'm so sorry I didn't know that question would affect you I'm truly sorry" he apologized. "No it's ok it's not your fault you didn't know plus I have friends now which is you." I smiled. He smiled back and after that we played tag and hide and seek. This has been the best day ever. When it was time to leave I didn't want to leave Ross.

"Honey it's time to go" my said yells. "But I don't want to I'm having fun!" I respond. "Honey..... I need to go make dinner"she states. She has a point but I don't wanna leave Ross he's going to be alone then until his mom calls him. "Mom?" I call. "Yeah honey?" She responds. "Can Ross come to our house today?" I ask hoping a yes. "Honey you justly him today and -" I interrupt "mom they're our neighbors" I really want him to come to my house. "Fine but we need to ask his mom for permission "my mom said. I agreed and the three of us walked to his house. I knocked on the and a lady which was obviously blonde answered the door. She sees that my mom and I were there and his mom put her hand in her forehead frustrated. "So sorry for what my child did. What did you do Ross you're never like this." She says. "He didn't do anything Mrs.Lynch" I smiled. "Mom this is my new friend Laura Marano and her mom Mrs.Marano." He smile. His moms face then turns into a smile "well nice to meet you Laura and Laura's mom" she smiled. "Please call me Ellen" my mom said. "Well nice to meet you Ellen my name is Stormie." Stormie smiled. " nice to meet you stormie"my mom answered. "Mom ask her if Ross can come to my house" I whispered loudly.  "Sorry about that my daughter want Ross to come over to our house for a little bit. She wouldn't even get out of the park until I agreed to ask you to let him go into our house. And don't worry if you think we live far because we live next door and I think you can watch him in Ross's window since its across from Laura's window and Ross can stay for dinner,"my mom said. "Wait, my window is across Laura's window?" Ross asked happily. " I guess it is" I respond happy.

"Yes Ross can go to your house today" Stormie says. Those words made me happy. I don't think I've ever been this happy before. "YAY!!!!!" Ross and I screamed. "Thank you Mrs.Lynch!!!" I screamed. The moms chuckled and Ross said thank you to his mom also my said said thank you silently to Stormie. After that the three of us walked to my house.


Hi guys it Loyal_girl16 and this is my new book YAY!!! Instead of writing the way Ross  and Laura talked I decided to write it to write it fluently but at this time Ross and Laura are 3 and they have a hard time speaking since they are small it was easier to write it like this like fluent because it would  make it easier to read because trust me it's sometimes hard understanding a 3 year old. So hoped you like the chapter comment and vote please.

First book chapter published: July 27 2015

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