Chapter 7

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Ross's POV

Laura kissed me yesterday on the cheek and said I love you back to me! I can't believe it! Why did I say I love you and kissed her back? I liked it. I actually loved it. And I loved cuddling with her. I feel like she feels safe with me and I feel like she's mine and loved. Her head was in my chest and my arms wrapped around her. I wake up and open my eyes and see Laura still sleeping in my chest and my arm wrapped around her I push her a little more to me and luckily she doesn't wake up. She's sucking her thumb sleeping and smile at how adorable she is. We may be young but we do this. I look around the room to see if anyone's in there spying on us and luckily no ones there and I see a bag that say 'Laura' next to the lollipops I gave her. I guess it's her tooth brush and her clothes. Oh geez Laura and I forgot to get into our pajamas and brush our teeth but oh well it was only once plush Laura and I always brush our teeth 3 times a day just in case we fall asleep before bed time. I stare at Laura and smile seeing how cute she is. I want to be with her one day and be her boyfriend no her husband wait what! I'm way too young to think about that!!! I then see that Laura is not sucking her thumb anymore and that her thumb isn't in her mouth anymore but she wraps one of hers arms around me and the other in my chest and she snuggles even more into my chest and I pull her even closer if that's even possible we're too close that there's no gap between us. Wait is she getting a nightmare? Or is she awake? She's not sucking her thumb anymore so it might one of those two but I hope that she's awake because I don't want her having another nightmare. 

Ross: good morning Laurie (smile)

Laurie: good morning Rossy (smiles back and opens her eyes)

Ross: phew you were awake.

Laurie: why

Ross: hehe did you know that you suck your thumb when you sleep?

Laura: no?

Ross: well when you stop sucking your thumb it either means you're having a nightmare or you just woke up or are awake.

Laura: oh I see being over protected (teased)

Ross: Laura...... (Whines)

Laura: we can tell each other anything right?

Ross: yeah

Laura: I'm feeling something in my stomach when I'm around you  I just don't know what is it.

Ross: me too I also get this feeling around you like there's something in my stomach tickling me

Laura: I know it's a feeling I want to feel everyday

Ross: yeah do you know what it means?

Laura: nope

Ross: it just feels like I want to be with you all the time

Laura: I want to be with you all the time and this feeling makes want to do this ( kisses his cheek and snuggles into his chest even more)

Ross: (blushes) and I when I'm with you I feel like doing this (hold her hand intertwining their finger)

Laura: to be honest I like that (smiles) and I also feel like doing this (put her leg over his legs)

Ross: I like that too (smiles) but we don't know what it means!!! I wanna be doing this every time I'm with you

Laura: me too and it'll be our little secret (pulls out pinky)

Ross: (promises back with the pinky promise)

Laura: I'll try to find out what this feeling means ok and we won't tell anyone ok?

Love At A Young Age: RauraWhere stories live. Discover now