Chapter 21

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Laura's POV

We were still outside the house and it was now night time. It's very freezing in here. Ross and I found a campfire open and sat in front of it for warmer air.

"What if our parents can't find us?" I ask. "Don't worry they will find us. We just have to stay here." Ross says.

"We should've done that before dummy!" I says pushing him slightly. We both laugh.
"No. But really." I frown. "We should have stayed here. I just didn't really think of it before."

"Because we were in panic"

We were still covered in ashes. And we smelled like smoke. I unwrapped my sweater from my waist and wrapped it around Ross and I, figuring that he may be cold as well. I leaned my head on his shoulder, so that the sweater can cover both of us.

"Thanks." He smiled. I return a smile back.

"What are you kids doing here?" A voice pops in, making both Ross and I look up.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be your parents?" The voice belonged to a girl who looked way older than us, but was not an adult.

I stand up. "please help us."

"We don't know where we are."

The girl looks at us sympathetically.

"You're in the Angeles National Forests. I live here. That's were I live," she points at a car that looks just like a house.

"Where do you guys live. Maybe I can help you."

"By Central LA." I say.

"Wow. That's like hours away with foot. I have no idea how you guys got here, unless if it was a family trip."

"There was a fire in our school and we escaped and now we're here. Lost." I explain.

"I'm sorry I'm too young to drive and I don't where Central LA is. Only if I can contact someone. But there's no signal in here and I don't have a phone. yet."

"it's ok," Ross says. "Can you just stay with us, please." I continue.

"Sure, just let me get a blanket. You guys look cold and that sweater is way too small for the two of you."

The girl goes inside the house car while I sit next to Ross again. My mom always told me not to speak to strangers, but this is an emergency. At least the girl seemed super friendly and might be able to help us somehow.

I lean my head on Ross shoulder again and he leans his head on mine.

The girl comes back and looks at us in awe. She places the warm blanket around Ross and I and sits in the log next to us.

"Are you guys like a young couple or something. Boyfriend and Girlfriend."

Ross and I look at each other and shake our heads.

"We're just the bestest of friends!" Ross says.

"Ya don't look like it."

"But I do love him." I say hugging him. "But he's mine!!!"

The girl laughs "I ain't gonna steal your man. Sure you're not a couple?. you do sure act like it."

"Nope." Ross and I say.

"Ok. But I'm sure I've never had a best friend like this." "So, How old are you guys."

"Six!" Ross and I exclaim as we hold up the number 6 with our fingers.

"You guys are like twins. Like you guys can read each other's mind. Never seen nothing like it."

"How old are you?" Ross says shyly.

"Well I'm 12, about to be 13 in April."

"Do you go to school." I ask.

"Of Course! My mom and I do have enough money to even afford a house in Beverly Hills. But we prefer to live in the road. We get to travel whenever we want."

I start to get tired and start to yawn.

"You guys seem tired. You should go to sleep. I'll try to set up something for you guys to sleep. It's super tight over there."

5 minutes later, the girl gets a tent set up and has placed pillows inside and another blanket underneath.

"Well guys, you may go inside and get your goodnight's sleep. Don't worry about the fire, my mom will turn it off later." She says helping us by taking blanket we had and neatly placing it inside the tent like a bed. She has also placed clean bottles of water, flashlights, and some snacks.

She start walk away. "Wait!" I call.

She turns around.

"What's your name" Ross asks.

She simply smiles. "Carmen."

"I'm Laura and this is Ross by the way,"

She nods, "got it Laura and Ross."

"Well, goodnight Laura and Ross."

She continues to walk and goes inside of the house car.

"She's nice." I smile.
"But we can't trust her."
"I know."
"Our parent might possibly kill us if we keep trusting her." Ross warns.

"Well they might as well already kill us for escaping and not staying at school."

"They can't possibly kill us for that. What can they expect us to do other than run away. We could've gotten killed. And we didn't know where to go."
"You're right."
We crawl inside the tent and close the zipper behind us. The flashlight was left on so it wouldn't very dark.

"I've never slept outside before," I start.

"Me neither."

We lie down next to each other and talk to each other throughout the night. Ross has started to act very weird.

----------------Love At A Young Age: Raura--------------------

Ross's POV

I'm not feeling very good to be honest. My head is spinning and I feel really dizzy. Laura already fell asleep. As time pass by, I feel even worse. I'm really scared. I sit up and hold my head to see if it makes it better. Nope.

Tears start to roll down my cheeks. It really hurts. I don't know what's going to happen.


Hey guys :)
I'm backkkkk. I wrote this chapter last year hehe hehe
I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting while this was already written. I want to thank you guys for reading this. I think this been up for 2 years now. I started this when I was 12 btw. Now I'm 14, this chapter was written when I first turned 13 (I think). Thing is, it's been a long time. I'm not really good at continuing thing because I have lots of hobbies. I'll probably change my previous ideas of the story or make a time lapse because I had completely forgotten the current situation in the story. I read again the last two chapters and I'll probably continue the current situation and then do the time lapse. Wow I wrote too much. I don't promise anything about updating because I'm horrible at it.
Bye :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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