Chapter 15

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2 years later (Ross and Laura are now 5 years old sorry if I skip too much)

Laura's POV

Here how my everyday life goes so far. First I wake up, get ready. Then I do Ross's hair, like always (Ross doesn't like how his mom does his hair and Rydel would tease him). Breakfast, sometimes Ross would come over to my house to eat or I would. Stormie drives us to school. We have class (we're in kindergarten and it's November, yay my b-day are in a couple of days!) we have recess and lunch. Then class again. Then we go back into Stormie's car. We get home and Ross and go to each other houses. Today's a Friday so we have sleepover today. YAY!!!

Right now I'm in class. Ross and I sit next to each other, that's how our assign seats go. One table per 2 people. I have always been with Ross. Stormie and Ellen would make them sit us together since we cannot be with other students. I look over to Ross and he's just doing his own stuff like drawing or as I say scribbling on a piece of paper. I give him pieces of paper so he won't scribble on the desk or on his notebook. His mom wouldn't really like that. The paper he's scribbling on is almost full so I take another paper and pass it to him.

Ross: (whispers) thanks

Laura: (whispers back) no problem

He starts scribbling on the paper I just passed to him and I just whisper laugh.

Ross: what? (Whispering)

Laura: you sure love to scribble (whispers)

Ross just keeps on scribbling on the piece of paper. I really don't get how Ross gets bored. School is actually fun. But right now I really think Ross has a point. Right now the teacher is just blabbing on about behavior and things that we will be expected from in 1st grade. Like seriously we just started kindergarten. We're not even 6 years old.  Ross looked up at me and stopped scribbling at his paper.  We both just stare at each other and I starts to smile and so does he.

"Ok you all look bored. Who I'm kidding you're too young to know about this yet. You guys have free time for these last 10 minutes of class. You can talk to your desk partner. Just don't stand up from your seats. I'm not allowed to give free time." The teacher said.


Laura: do you wanna read?

Ross: sure

I take out a book. It's Ross and I's favorite. It was about a friendship about a kid and tree. (It's a real book it's called The Giving Tree. One of my favorite childhood books). We both never understood the little boy and why he was so selfish and took away all what the tree had after a wonderful relationship they had. The tree never did anything. Yet the boy took advantage of the tree. I never understood, nor did Ross and that's why it's our favorite.

Ross: my favorite book

I just smile and open the book reading the title "The Giving Tree".

Laura: Once there was a tree...  And she loved a little boy

I flipped the page

Ross: And everyday the boy would come and he would gather her leaves

Laura: And would make them into crowns and play king of the forest

Love At A Young Age: RauraWhere stories live. Discover now