Chapter 13

313 13 2

9 Months Later  

Ross's POV

Today its the first day of school for Laura and I.  I'm not sure if Laura and I are going to the same school or not. We're going to preschool.  And also I'm now 3 Yay!!! I wake up to Laura tapping on my window next to me. Thats how close our windows are. That's right we slept in our bay window  (A/N thats what I think it is). I open my window and she yelled bubbly. "Rossy!!! Its the first day of school!!!" I rub my eyes sleepily but I still smile at her cuteness. "Good Morning Laurie" I greet. "Morning Rossy" she giggles kissing my cheek while I blush a bit. But I didn't realize that my eyes were still slightly closed.

   I get to open my eyes more wide and my sight is now clear. I look over to Laura who is looking down at me. Wait, how did she get to my window? And she was already read for school?! When? Why? How? She then jumps on top of me to make sure I'm fully awake which I am now. Our bodies press together as she's on top of me. All her weight on me. I don't mind though, she's super light even though we're almost the same height. Her arms are around me almost like she's hugging me. She giggles the whole time and I start to laugh with her. "Go get ready!" she giggles more. " You're gonna be late, your mom was trying to wake you up so I decided to jump on you". As she says that's I look over to my bedroom door finding my mom smiling mouthing "get ready honey" while I blush a little. Laura giggles away and sit in my bay window while mom and I look for clothes wear today.

  "Can Laur help us choose what I can wear?" I ask mom. I really want Laura to choose my first day of school outfit. Well unluckily I couldn't choose her outfit cause she was already ready when I woke up. She had  her hair inn a ponytail and she had a hot pink sweater on (which was a bit big for her) and jeans. Casual. "Sure honey" mom responded. "YAY" Laura squealed. My mom took out an outfit that were black pants and a white dress shirt with a black vest. "what about this" my mom smile at the outfit. "NO WAY I'M WEARING THAT! I'm going to school, not to a wedding!" No way i was wearing that. Like really thats too dressy. "Hmm. The outfit is adorable and it would look great on Ross, but it should be more casual" Laura explained. Yes someone that gets me. If Laura wasn't here I would be wearing that. Rydel would also say no, but I still would be stuck with that outfit so THANK LAURA.

"Ok then what outfit should Ross wear?" Mom says putting away the outfit. Laura walks and goes inside the closet and after a few minutes Laura comes out with the perfect outfit. It was my favorite outfit. It was a pair of jeans with chains on them and a red shirt. Wow Laura does a great sense of fashion. She holds up the outfit showing mom and I. I start clapping and cheering. "YES!!! That's the one. I'm so wearing that outfit!" I cheered. Laura starts giggling at my expression and mom just laughs. "Well then that's the one." mom laughs. Laura sits at my bay window along with mom while I run to the bathroom and change into my school outfit. After putting in my outfit I do my business, flush the toilet and and wash my teeth.

When I was done I open the door get leave the bathroom and show off my outfit. Laura and mom clap and Laura cheers. Oh how I love her. She's like the cutest thing. "Ok now we need to do the hair," No not the hair!!! "NOT THE HAIR MOM!!!" I scream. Laura giggles. They both know so well that I having my hair natural. Laura walks up to me and cups my face with her hand, and kisses me in the cheek. "But Rossy you still have a bedhead, You're hair is SUPER messy" She says and thens ruffles my hair as I pout. "Ok what about I use gel and form it all the way in the back or flopped to one side." My mom explains. NO, NOT THE GEL!!! It makes my hair look shiny and straight. " What about no gel, I'll do his hair" Laura speaks up. "I don't think that's a good idea honey" mom says to Laura. "I know I''m only 3 but did you know that I did my own hair this morning? Plus, I have a great hairstyle for Rossy" Laura smiled. "Ok then," mom sighs. "But if you need help or mess up call me" mom stands up and leaves the room.

Love At A Young Age: Rauraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن