Chapter 12

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Laura's POV

I woke up and felt strong arms around me. I knew right away that it was Ross. Wow. I forgot that he slept over. I look around the room and I spot a little box where my charm bracelet was on top of the drawer and Austin's guitar next to my window. I then remembered about yesterday being Christmas Eve and OMG Today is CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!YAY!!! I smile and then shot my eyes open.

  "Good morning Laurie" Ross yawned while rubbing his eyes. I try to sit up but he still has his arms around me tight so I give up and see his bedhead. "So I see you slept good" I said. "Yup best sleep" he smiled. I giggled at how he looked and he shoots me a confused face. "Why are you laughing?" He asks me curiously. "Oh nothing you just look adorable with your morning hair" I blurted out laughing and ruffling his hair. He then pouts and crosses his arms playfully.                         

    "Merry Christmas blondie" I kissed his cheek. He blushes. aw. "Merry Christmas Laurie" he said shyly and then grabbed me for a tight hug. During the hug he also kissed me in the cheek back. After that, we both washed our teeth. After that we run downstairs to my living room to open our presents to find a Christmas tree with no presents and nobody there. We both exchanged glances and call out "Hello". No response. Then it shot me.

    "Oh I remember my sister slept over at your house and mom and dad slept in their rooms and they woke up early to go to your house and Santa moved all the presents to your Christmas tree because trust me-" "Santa knows where you are, he knows if you were naughty or nice" Ross interrupts. "Yup" I giggle.

      We both went upstairs back to my room. "Ahh my new guitar" Ross says cool picking his brand new guitar's case. "Thank you." He says once again as I grab the charm bracelet he got me. "And I can't thank you enough for this bracelet" I respond. He blushes and I place the charm bracelet in the pocket of my pajamas.

   Ross picked  up my traveling block and placed it in between our windows, like a  bridge or a passway to get through. He crosses first. When he got to his room I passed him his guitar and he carefully takes the guitar and puts it in his bed. Now it way my turn to crawl to his room. I carefully crawl to his bedroom on my traveling block. Easy steps Laura. Easy steps. Ross takes out his hand to help me hop into his room and I accept before as I hop into his room.

   When I got into his room I place my hand in my pocket to check if my charm bracelet was still there. We both both walk downstairs to his living room and kitchen seeing everyone eating in the counter. "Merry Christmas!" Ross and I yell. "Well Merry Christmas kids" Stormie greeted along with everyone smiling saying a silent 'MerryChristmas'  "You know that you guys are late right? You missed us opening our present" Riker says. We both shot Riker a look saying that we didn't care. "So what's for breakfast?" Ross asks out if the blue. "Christmas Pancakes" Stormie responds says. Then all the Lynches except for Ross covers their ears. Well my family and I don't know what will happen so my sister and my parents follow along and also cover their ears and there it goes: "YAYYY!!!! PANCAKES!!!" Ross screams that almost a glass broke. "YAAyyyy!!!" I scream copying the same reaction as Ross's but my scream was more softer. "YAYYyy" we both scream.

    After we were done we sat in the counter along as everyone else. Stormie serves us our Christmas Pancakes. Ross starts eating right away. Boy, that boy sure eats a lot of pancakes. He had 7 pancakes in a stack!!! Not 6 but SEVEN!!! "Laura, honey how many pancakes do you want?" Stormie asks. "I'll only take one pancake" I respond. "Then why were you so excited for pancakes?" Ness ask while taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "You should a least more than one pancake. Cause the holidays are here to break our diet or if you want I can get your pancakes if you're not hungry" Ross shoves the pancake in his mouth. "Fine. I'll take two pancakes" I smile at Stormie.

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