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Damaged Heart to Hold You Down to R.I.C.H.

this was a long series man 🌝

This is my longest and favorite series of mine .
Hold You Down still my favorite book right now besides Thug's Nanny .

I just wanna say thank yall for still reading and following August & Mercedes journey .
I enjoyed writing it for you guys .

Sorry for yall the pain yall had to go through with them v.v

Now foreas another book to this . The way I got it set up , it can be a fourth book but it would be based off the kids and idk if everybody like those type of books.

But I will not be doing a fourth book right now . I think this is my last August book for right now too .

If I write another celebrity book , it probably would be Odell Beckham Jr and if you don't know who that is .....moment of silence....




Really Nigga -_-

R.I.P Aleah Roman . R.I.P. Zane . ✊🏽💔

So thug's nanny about to be my only book right now . Let my brain rest before it be smoking like Patrick from spongebob 💩

Yes I still watch that!! 🌝🌝 u never too old for spongebob.


Because I'm very indecisive so I might be saying all this now and have a new book up tomar. 🌛

So keep up with me and I'll keep up with yall cuz I don't want this to be goodbye. 😩😩

I love you guys.

- YunginDiamond 💕💕

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