Expect the Unexpected

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My mom is calling me to go from the front desk of the studio. I grab my dance bag, say bye to Chloe and go to the front desk. 'Okay, let's go Mom', I tell her. But she just stands there with a blank face. 'Mom, Melissa, Mom?' Still just a blank face. Then she says three words I never wanted to hear. 'Abby's in hospital'.

WHAT! My thoughts are everywhere. Abby's in the hospital. No this can't be! We need her, we can't loose her, she means too much to me, to us! Wait, why is she their? Is she gonna die! Then I finally stop thinking and say something. 'Mom why'. She just stood there. 'Gianna?', I ask. 'She has an infection in her arm, if it spreads too far up her arm she can be in a lot of trouble.' Now my heart stops. All I can hear is Kenzie running around with Brooke K, another ALDC dancer. Life without Miss Abby, I know she yells at us but she still loves us! It can't be, it won't be. I will not allow it.

Just as all my thoughts are going from upset to angry, I walk outside and I feel my chest tighten. I start panting, then sweating and then everything goes black. 

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