Don't Stop Dancing

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I look at my watch and head into studio B for jazz with the competition team. Mrs Clarlist isn't in yet so I decide to stretch on my own.

'What you beaming bout Maddie, I thought you were crying a few seconds ago', Kendall says teasingly.

'Moms back'

'Thank goodness! I was getting seriously worried, is she hurt bad?'

'She says she isn't but I can tell it's worst than she is reporting.'

'I'm sorry Maddie'

'No, no it's fine. I am just glad she is back!'

There is a couple of awkward smiles and laughs but then Kendall comes down and hugs me, then joins me stretching.

Mrs Clarlist enters, claps her hands and we all line up. It's our first class with her just as the team so this will be interesting.

'So, you are the Elite Team, huh?', she says with her French accent, 'Let me see you dance together.'

She plays a random music track and we all improve, trying to be a team more than soloists.

'Good, so you can dance but now can you prance?' She does some jazz hands and then talks to us about the combo she is going to teach us. 'It needs to be over the top, crazy!'

We choreograph for an hour and then line up in the center again for our last pep talk.

'You girls are good athletes, but I wouldn't call you all elite. If you don't have natural flexibility or pointed feet, then work for it.And if you do, work even harder for perfection. Class dismissed.'

I grab my water bottle which I left in this studio last time and go to the changerooms after Kendall. 'So big day?', She says.

'Yeah, one emotional rollercoaster for sure', I reply.

I pack my dance bag, say bye to Kendall and go to the foyer where I see my mom and Kenzie waiting for me.

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