Life turned Upside Down

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My eyes open. I am home, I am on the couch. What happened? I thought I was in the studio! As these thoughts are spiralling in my head, my mom comes in. 'How you feeling?', she asks. I tell her I am fine and then ask what happened. She said I had an anxiety attack. Then I remember, Abby is sick. I shiver at the thought.

Mom tells me the clean myself up and then have breakfast. Breakfast? Wait it's morning? I missed Chloe's sleepover! Great, this is just what I needed. First I find out Abby is sick, then I faint and now I have missed the only chance to clear the air with Chloe.

Mom tells me to hurry up because we need to get to dance. Yes , I know what you are thinking, Dance! Well even though I fainted my mom still makes me go to dance unless a doctor or someone important has told us otherwise. So, I brush my teeth , do my hair and makeup and get changed. I go to the car, shut the door and then I feel tears streaming down my face.

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