Dance Mom is Back

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We leave the studio and I head for the car but I can't see it. 'Where's the car?', I ask confused.

Mom smiles and points to a bike. My face drops, are you serious! Mom laughs, along with Kenzie and then she points to a big black BMW. Awesome!

I put my bag in the huge boot and then sit in the back seat. Kenzie gets in and sits next to me. I hear a familier sound and then realize that my favorite Taylor Swift song is playing.

'Say you remember me, standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe', I say singing along. I look over and Kenzie who is just mumbling most parts, she doesn't really know that many Tay Tay songs.

We pull up at our house and Mom tells us to get inside quick because it's about to rain. I grab my dance bag from the boot and run inside after Kenzie. When I get inside I run upstairs to my room and get changed into some warmer clothes, a purple sweater from topshop, black trackies from target and my grey uggs. I grab my phone and sit on my bed smiling.

What do you want for dinner girls?', Mom yells from downstairs. 'Pizza', Kenzie yells backs. I yells yes in agreement. 'Well then get to the studio while the pizza is coming', Mom yells.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad mom is back but with mom comes dance mom and she makes us work all day. We can't just have pizza, with pizza comes an extreme workout before and after we have eaten. But the pizza is totally worth it.

I go downstairs, grabbing my jazz shoes on the way, and go to the fridge and grab a water bottle. Then I head back upstairs to the third level, the dance level. We have a huge room up there which we made into a studio, we also have a trophie room, a costume room, a hair and makeup room and another guest room with a bathroom.

I go into the studio and start stretching. First I touch my toes, then lunges, then half split, then left split, then right, then second position plie stretch and finally my middle splits. I call for Kenzie to get her lazy butt upstairs and then I start to practise my turns.

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