Girl Talk

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I tell Kendall every detail I can about my situation with Chloe and stuff. She sits there and nods. I finally ask her to say something but I really didn't expect this.

"Suck it up princess", Kendall says after an awkward pause. "What did you just say to me?" I say in return. "Maddie, you have a great life with amazing opportunities and you are crying about two or so tiny little things. Some people can't even walk or see. So suck it up and appreciate what you got."

Wow. That was a slap in the face. Just as I am about to thank her for her (kinda) help and have a touching bff moment, the doorbell rings. "Maddie, it's you mom," Jill shouts from downstairs. I say bye to Kendall, grab my dance bag and head downstairs.

"Hey mom".

"Hi Mads we need to go back to the studio, Abby wants you to help assist Kenzie's ballet private."

"I thought that dance was done for the night"

"Well it's just started again"

Jill laughed at my Mom's comeback and then we get in the car and head to dance.

"How was it Kendall's?", Mom asks. "It was okay, she helped me with a few problems. Hey Mom, wasn't Abby meant to stay in LA until next month or something?" "She had to come home because of her arm and she needed to control some issues at the Pittsburgh studio", Mom replied.

It falls silent for a few minuets until I curiously say, "What issues?" "None of you business Madison." Oooo, she called me Madison so obviously this is serious. These are the times I wish I was an adult so people would actually tell me stuff!!!

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