Serious Discussion

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'There's a man downstairs who wants to talk to us', I tell her quietly. She got her bag and followed me back down stairs.

'Hi, you wanted to speak to us?', my Aunty says probably thinking it's someone trying to book a job with me and Kenzie. I give her the serious look.

'Hello. I am John Hurdly, Ms Gisoni's lawyer.'

'Oh, hi. I am Michelle Johns, Ms Gisoni's sister and Maddie's guardian right now.'

'Ok well Miss Johnson,'

'Mrs', My aunt cuts in. She is very cautious of those things since she got married recently.

'I need to talk to you about some issues Ms Gisoni is going through with her former spouse', he says.

'Oh yes, please follow me to somewhere more private sir', my aunty replies.

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