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When I wake up in the morning and all I see is light. Why is it so bright? I get up and look out my window and see people walking around and the sun high up in the sky, what time is it? I check my clock and realize it's 11am. I run down stairs and yell out to mom to get up. Then I stop. Mom isn't here, I remember what has happened again.

I sadly walk back upstairs and pick out some dance clothes. I choose a black aldc crop and black booty shorts. I walk into my bathroom and do my hair in a bun. I put on my makeup and grab my shoes and dance bag, then head back downstairs.

I read the note on the kitchen bench which says:

Gone to dance with Kenz
Thought you wouldn't be up for it
Be back at six or so
Love Aunty Michelle

What was she thinking! I never miss dance and this is the time I need to dance out my emotions!

I grab my house keys and lock the door, then I start to walk down to the studio. It's not that far from where I live now which is good. On the way there I kick a stone until it accidentally rolls into a bush. I wonder how Mom is. I think about Mom for the rest of the walk there and almost walk right passed the ALDC.

I see my Aunty's black car and walk up to the entrance. Gianna is at the desk and runs and hugs me as soon as I walk in.

'How are you?', she asks.

'I'm okay, do you know where the comp team is rehearsing?'

'Studio A'

'Thanks', I say and start to walk into studio a when Gianna stops me.

"Hey, keep your head high", she says.

I nod and go into studio a, I put my bag down and join rehearsals.

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