Tears and Smiles

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Once I get downstairs I go into the foyer and head straight for Gianna, ignoring the world around me. I go into her arms and cry. I mean, my life isnt that bad compared to others but I cry anyway!

Gianna comforts me for a few minuets and then tells me to look up.

'Mom!' I scream. 'What happen?'

'Oh I just got a little hurt in my head but I'm okay', she replies.

I know it was a little worst than she is telling me (hence the bandage on her head) but I don't care, she is home!

I run into studio A and get Kenzie, she cries and runs to give mom a hug.

After about 5 mins of hugging, Mom tells us to get back to dance. I go into the changing rooms with a smile on my face and prepare for jazz.

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