A New Day

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I wake up early the next morning and look out the window. It's raining which kind of sucks but then I remember how good life is at the moment and start to beam.

I put on my new yellow and pink tank with some booty shorts and then my winter clothes on top before I head downstairs. Mum has toast sitting on the bench and I feel a sense of happiness. What a hectic ride this last week has been. Mum yells at Kenz to get downstairs and I go to the bathroom to get my teeth and hair done.

After half and hour of waiting for Mackenzie to finish getting ready, we finally head out the door. I beat Kenz to the front seat and know today must be a good day. The car starts and I look at my family, could life be better than this?!?

The ALDC lifeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя