Chapter 5: It's just...

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Kuai: Yeah, we should get going... wait, where are we going?

Zuko: I think it's about time I give Uncle a break from my job.

Toph: And I should probably be in Yu Dao when the government is decided.

Kuai: Isn't Yu Dao still being repaired from the riots?

Katara: *mumbles* And battle.

Kuai: What?

Katara: Yes, it's still needing some reconstruction.

Kuai: Well, I could go there and help for a while. I've got to find something to do with my time.

Kuai smiled slightly. She could have a purpose and do something useful for a while instead of being homeless.

Toph: They pay people to do that, you know. When someone volunteers, they're given a weekly pay of 20 silver pieces. You can get a space in the volunteer home for 5 silver pieces a month. It's not the best income, but it will definitely help with your situation.

Kuai: This sounds great!

Aang: Yeah, while you're there rebuilding Yu Dao, the rest of us can help with the colonies.

Zuko: Great. *said without enthusiasm*

Katara: Zuko what's wrong?

Zuko: Nothing I... I'm going take a walk.

Zuko left to a completely different portion of the trees.

Sokka: Well that wasn't strange at all.

Kuai: I guess I should-

Katara: Yeah, go.

Kuai ran after Zuko, who was fast-walking away. She caught up to him once they were out of view from the group.

Zuko: I said I was going for a walk.

Kuai: And I decided to go for one too.

Kuai giggled a little bit.

Zuko: Ha. Ha.

Kuai: Cutie, what's your problem?

Zuko: Nothing.

Kuai: Liar.

Zuko: It's just... you're leaving. Again.

Kuai: I'm so sorry, Zuko. I forgot how you would feel about this. I just thought, since everybody's going their separate ways soon, that maybe I should be of some help.

Zuko: I was hoping you would've wanted to come back to the Fire Nation with me.

Kuai: There's so much going on with politics right now, we'd barely get to see each other anyways.

Zuko: That's true...

Kuai: How about this; once Yu Dao is almost redone, I'll move back to Hira'a. When I'm not busy, I'll try to visit you at the palace.

Zuko: Okay.

There was a long pause. Kuai held Zuko's hand.

Kuai: You want to know something?

Zuko: What?

Kuai: I turn 20 next week.

Zuko: R-really? What day?

Kuai: Um...Tuesday...why?

Zuko: It's nothing.

Kuai: Tell me or I'll slap you.

Zuko: Okay, okay...fine. *sighs* That's my birthday, too.

Kuai: Cool. Um, when does Yu Dao's government get announced?

Zuko: Next Thursday.

Kuai: Maybe you could stay in town until that Wednesday so we can celebrate our birthday.

Zuko: I don't know... Uncle probably wants to go crazy for my birthday at the palace. He gets a little hyper around special days.

Kuai: Can you still stay until Monday?

Zuko: Sure, I guess.

Kuai: Yay! *hugs Zuko* Thanks, cutie!

Zuko hugged her back, smiling. 


It's been a while since author's notes on this series. I wanted to tell you that after next chapter, things will get more chopped up, you know, like the beginning of the chapter being like 'two years later' or 'six months after that' and etc.

Next chapter is cuuuuuuttte. I don't have it done...but I have basic plot structure completed in my brain. Zuko gets adorable, yet slightly depressed as usual.

Technically, because of time-zones and that sciency stuff, Zuko and Kuai aren't exactly the same age. But lets act like science doesn't apply in the Avatar world (sorry Sokka).

Stay tuned for some Zuai action!!! 

(I haven't said that in forever! *cries happily*)


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