Chapter Two

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I wake up by Sly shaking my shoulder.

"Viper! They found us!" I leap up and throw on my camo pants and my leather jacket. I shove my feet into my boots and throw the backpack over my shoulder. Sly and I run down the stairs and quietly go out the back door. We make it about fifteen feet away from the house when the Dracs see us. I shoot one in the chest and another in the head. We run as fast as we can for awhile and then I gasp out,

"Sly stop." We stop and catch our breath for a couple minutes. I pull out the radio. We hear Dr. Death Defying talking.

"Bad news, killjoys. The Dracs are on the move. So if I were you, I'd stay out of the open. Now if you plan on going outside, keep your gun close. This is Dr. Death Defying. " Sly and I look at each other.

"We'd better keep moving." Sly says.

After what feels like a million years of walking across the barren landscape we stop to sit inside another house.

"I feel like I've been dragged across the Earth on my face and then stepped on by a elephant." I groan. Sly nods and we drink water from the sink. Five minutes later we leave the house and get attacked again.

"Don't these guys have other problems beside us?" Sly snaps as we run. I dodge a blast from a ray gun and fire over my shoulder. I heard a thud and we kept running. We turned and I pulled Sly back by her hair. She yelped in pain. We had almost run right in front of a car. Hold on a second. We stood in shock as the Fabulous Killjoys stepped out of the car. They shot the last Drac who was probably right behind us.  Party Poison walked up to us.

"You guys ok?" He asked.  We nod, both our mouths open in surprise. "Come with us." We pile into the car. The car was actually really big. I sat in between Fun Ghoul and Sly.

"What's your name?" Fun Ghoul asks me.

"Viper." I say and look at Sly. "This is my best friend, Sly." Fun Ghoul smiles at us. 

"You guys hungry?" Kobra Kid passes back a bag of chips and a box of granola bars.

"Wow where'd you guys get all this?" I ask as Kobra Kid hands us both Coke. 

"Just places we've stopped. And stolen." Jet Star says. I open the Coke and take a huge gulp. It tasted amazing. Sly had the box of granola bars and I grabbed one. I devoured it and then started eating chips.

"Sorry I'm being super loud." I say after swallowing.

"You guys act like you've never seen food before. It's really funny." Fun Ghoul laughs. I smile and drink the rest of the coke.

"What do I do with the-" I start to say before Fun Ghoul grabs the can and chucks it out the window. Sly laughs.

"Well that works too." I say. I sit back finally relaxing.  

"Hey where are we going?" Sly asks.

"A safe house we set up. We've been waiting for some new recruits." Party Poison says. Sly and I look at each other and smile. We have our chance to become Killjoys! 

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