Chapter Fourteen

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*Vipers POV*

I went to turn on the lamp and sparks few out from my fingers.

"What the heck?" I say and take off the lampshade.  As I put my fingers closer to the bulb it heats up. I touch my fingers to the bulb and it explodes. I jump back and two guys burst into my dorm. They put their arms under my shoulders and haul me from my dorm. I struggle and break free. They lunge for me but I put my hands out in front of me. All the lights go out and I feel electricity shoot into my veins. It shoots from my fingers and one of the guys smacks his gun across my head. I black out. 

I wake up in a hospital room. Or cell. I couldn't tell it was all white and blurry. My hands were tied down to the bed. I struggled and then a woman in a white suit came in.

" Don't struggle Sydney. My name is Dr. Adams. Did you know about your power?" Dr.Adams says.

"Power?" I ask.

"You have the power no one has heard of in a very long time. You have electrokinesis." Dr. Adams says.  I had what? "You have the ability to control electricity."  Dr.Adams leans over and unties my hand restraints.  She lets me get up and use the bathroom. I come back and see Frank standing outside the door. It was glass, his hands were pressed against it and he was looking at me. I run over to him and place my hands to his through the glass. I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and Dr. Adams has a syringe in her hands. It was filled with green liquid. 

"I'm sorry Sydney. But you are an abomination and a threat to everyone here." Dr. Adams reaches for me to insert the syringe. I duck to the side and stand in the middle of the room. The lights starting flickering and then they exploded. I absorbed the energy and ran for the door. Dr. Adams reached for my foot but I broke through the door. Alarms started blaring. Red lights filled the room. Frank grabbed my hand. 

"C'mon!" He says. We sprint through the hallway. The alarms were blaring but no one saw us. We burst through the front doors. I see everyone in the car. Mikey throws open the door and we sprint towards them. I hear a bang and feel a bullet rip into my stomach. It exits out through my front side. All the way through. I yell and jump into the car. As soon as the door closes, Gerard drives as fast as he can. I sit up and press my hand against the wound. I take off my hoodie.  Frank puts one hand on my stomach and presses. It hurts but I bite my tongue. The bleeding eases. But I start to feel weird. My vision was going blurry and my head fuzzy.

"Hey Sydney you ok?" Frank says and puts his hand on my face.

"I think there was something in that bullet." I choke out. I cough and blood comes out onto my hands.

"Oh God. Gerard get to a safe house!" Frank says. Everyone in the backseat lets me lay across their laps. I continue to cough up blood and I start shaking. Frank strokes my hair and tries to keep me calm. I felt like I was going to explode. 

*Cherry Bombs POV*

Gerard gets to a safe house and we run inside. We take the pillows off the couch and hold the door open for Frank who was carrying Viper. He puts her down on the couch. We stand back. Frank feels her pulse. 

"Her pulse is slow. Somebody get me supplies." Frank says. I run and throw him a medical kit. He cuts open her shirt with the scissors and throws it aside. "Her heart stopped. Theres too much pressure." Frank digs through the kit and pulls out a clear tube. He places it on her rib cage and pushes hard. It goes in and he starts breathing through the tube. 

"What are you doing?" Gerard asks.

"Sucking the extra air out her chest." Frank says. He leaves the tube in and pulls out stitches. He sews up the bullet wound and checks her pulse. It was returning to normal. Frank lets out a breath of relief. We all sit in the living room for a long time. Frank tells us it was ok to leave. We all leave to go try and get some sleep.


*Vipers POV* 

I wake up feeling somewhat normal. I was still a little shaky. And my shirt was all bloody and currently across the room. Ummm perfect. What happened? I remember everyone shouting and then nothing. The bullet hole was stitched as well as something on my side. Frank was asleep on the floor. I take his hoodie and slip it over my head so I wasn't forced to walk upstairs in my bra. That would be terrifyingly embarrassing. I sit up and Frank wakes up and immediately hugs me. 

"Oh my God are you ok?" He asks. I nod. 

"Is that my sweatshirt?"He asks. I smile. He presses a kiss to my lips and I wrap my arms around him. Everything was going to be alright.

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