Chapter Eight

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*Slys POV*

I woke up and got a shower. I put my long curly blond hair into a ponytail. I put on black athletic shorts and a loose fitting green work out tank top.  I put on my running shoes. I put in the small balls that play music into my ears. My music starts playing and I leave my room and find my way to the training center. I see people running on a track and I head on to the track. I run a few laps until my lungs start to burn. I stop and catch my breath. I go down the stairs and drink some water. Then I head over to the knife throwing station. I take out the music and put them in my pocket.  I grab a knife and pull it back. I jump as hands go over mine and fix them. I turn around and Kobra Kid was standing there smiling at me. He had on black jeans and a red shirt. 

"You've got your hips in the wrong position." He says. He puts his hands on my hips and rotates them. I turn around and he nods. I flick my wrist and the knife flys forward. It sticks in the second ring from the target.  "Nice."  I stand there and throw knife over knife. One lands right in the target. I put all the knives back and we go up to our dorms. Party Poison runs down the hallway.

"Hey guys. Were being sent on a mission to hijack a BL/IND safe house."  He says. I go into my dorm and pull on skinny jeans and a blue t-shirt with my leather jacket.  I slip on my boots and go into the hallway. Everyone was standing there. The Fabulous Killjoys had on their usual outfits. I walk with Viper and we all go out and pile into the car. 

*Vipers POV*

First mission. I didn't know if I should cheer or puke. Fun Ghoul sees my expression and takes my hand.  I smile and we all sit in silence. Party Poison turns on some music and Cherry Bomb reaches over his shoulder and turns it up. Sly jumps and puts her book down. Kobra Kid laughs and puts his arm around her shoulders. We drive for a while and then pull up to a battered looking house. We all get out and pull out our ray guns. We creep along the side of the house and I see someone running at us. Oh it's her. The one who attacked me. She kept for Cherry Bomb and Cherry kicked her in the stomach. The girl doubled over and Cherry knocked her unconscious. 

"She's the one who attacked me." I say.

"Lets take her back." Party Poison says. We put her in the backseat. She'll be out for a while. We go inside the house once Silver Rush had climbed up to a window and gave us the signal. We explore the house.

"Theres no one here." Kobra Kid says. I head over to the computer. I never told anyone about this but I am a skilled hacker. I plug a jump drive into the computer and type in what we came in. A layer of security came up but I breezed through it. I download all the information and unplug the jump drive. I hang it around my neck and delete all evidence that I just stole government information. We all turned around and Dracs were standing waiting for us. They all fire at once and I dive behind the couch. I fire and shoot one. We slowly made our way to the door and I hear a shriek of pain. I look back and see Sly fall to the ground. She had been shot in the stomach. Kobra Kid looks shocked. He runs over to her and we shoot the last Drac. Kobra Kid slides his hands under her knees and shoulders and runs to the car. We move the girl who attacked me into the truck. We stretch Sly out across our laps. Her head and stomach across Kobra Kid, her legs across me and Fun Ghoul. Party Poison drives as fast as he can. Cherry Bomb keeps on eye out for Dracs. Kobra Kid didn't have anything to stop the flow of the blood because his jacket wouldn't soak up blood. So he used his hands.  His hands were soaked in her blood and he wouldn't let anyone else touch her. He got out of the car and carried her to the infirmary. He pushed open the door with his back and ran.  We all stood in shock. 

"Take the jump drive to Dr. Death." Party Poison says quietly in my ear. Cherry Bomb had her hands over her mouth and Party Poison put his arms around her. She buried her face into his shoulder. I walk up the stairs and into Dr. Deaths office. I place the jump drive onto his desk.

"Ah well done Viper. This is much needed. What happened?" He asks seeing my expression.

"Sly was shot. It was bad. She was barely breathing." I whisper. Fun Ghoul comes upstairs dragging the girl who attacked me. She was fighting against him.

"We captured her. She's the one who attacked Viper." Fun Ghoul says.

"Ah yes. She's a spy. I've seen her before. Don't worry. Well get information and until then she'll be in a cell." Dr. Death says. A random guy comes in and takes her away. She spat insults and threats at us.

"Well she's pleasant." Fun Ghoul says sarcastically. I leave the office and walk back down the stairs to see Sly. Everyone was gathered around her bed.  Her hair was spread all over the pillow. She had a bandage wrapped around her stomach. Tubes went into her arm. I assume they were trying to put blood back in her. She had a nose cannula. She looked so young and peaceful. Kobra Kid held her hand in both of his. He stared at her face and didn't move at all. We all decided he would need some alone time. Party Poison put his hand on his shoulder. We all left. I went up and sat on my bed. My mind starting coming up with all these awful scenarios. What if Sly didn't make it? I couldn't lose my best friend. I've been best friends with her since first grade. I drew my knees up to my chest and sat like that. I don't know how long I was there. It was dark in my room and Fun Ghoul opened the door.

"Hey you missed dinner." He says quietly and sits down next to me.

"I wasn't hungry." I whisper.

"Hey you ok?" Fun Ghoul says and puts his hands on my shoulders. I shake my head. He pulls me into a tight embrace. 

"You must be freezing." It was really cold in my room. He took off his hoodie and pulled it around me. I pulled my arms into the sleeves. My chin starts to tremble. Fun Ghoul wraps his arms around me again. One of his hands went up and stroked my hair. Tears started to fall from my eyes. 

"I- I can't lose her..." I say into his shoulder. 

"I know. She'll be ok. Hey.." Fun Ghoul says as I start to cry harder. He holds onto me and doesn't let me go until I fall asleep.

*Cherry Bombs POV*

I couldn't believe it. Sly had to survive. She is a strong girl. I walk up to my room and run into Party Poison. 

"Hey you ok?" He asks. I nod.

"No you're not." He says and grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I hug him back and wonder if he's the one who's not ok.

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