Chapter Eighteen

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*Vipers POV* 

I woke up sometime around 6:45. I got out of the bed. I slid on my boots and redid my ponytail. As I looked at my hair, I thought, its getting too long. I open the drawers and find a pair of scissors. I put the scissors at the start of my ponytail. I cut the whole thing off. I cut any spare pieces off. I pulled the top forward so I had a pixie cut. It actually didn't look bad. I walk out of the room and around the main floor.  I was worried about the rest of our group. Gerard comes out of his room.

"You cut your hair." He says. I nod. 

"It was getting in the way." I explain. He nods. 

"We should move." He says. I didn't have anything expect my ray gun. We walk out of the building and towards, I don't know where. 

*Slys POV* 

We found a safe house and stayed there for the night. The nest morning we decided we would head back to Dr. Death. 

"Do you think the others are ok?" I ask as we walk back towards the building. We walked so fast for so long that we were already back at the building.

"Yeah. They'll probably head back here." He replies. I could tell he was worried about Viper. I was worried about Mikey. We get back into the building and head up to Dr.Deaths office. 

"Ah. I know everything that happened. But don't worry I've cleared you all." Dr. Death says. 

"Have any of the others come back?" Frank asks. Dr. Death shakes his head. 

"I'll alert you if any of them do come back." He says. We go to our dorms and wait. 

*Vipers POV*

We were making great progress until we were shot at. The Dracs came out of nowhere. Gerard covered my back as I shot at them over my shoulder.  We ran as far as we could and then something exploded next to us. I was thrown ten feet backwards. My head slams into the ground and I pass out. 

*Cherry Bombs POV*

We were going to leave. We had slept in a random car that was on the side of the road. I got out and we started walking. We hadn't made it very far when a hand goes around my mouth. I try to struggle and Mikey turns around. A Drac holds him back. Who ever was holding me stabbed a needle into my neck. I fell asleep. 

*Slys POV*

I walked down the hallway and into the library. It was silent and no one was in there. I walked around and picked up some books. Then a needle was stabbed into my shoulder. I went limp and someone threw me over their shoulder. I was half asleep so I couldn't see who was taking me. They opened a door and we went into a bright white room. They put me on a bed and strapped my arms and legs down. I had no idea where we were. I tried to look around but my eyes were too heavy. I saw two more Dracs come in with two more people. I swear I saw Cherry's bright red hair and Viper's green hair. They were strapped down just like me. The Drac stabs me with another needle and I wake up. The two other  Dracs put the shot in Viper and Cherry Bomb. We all sit up at the same time and look at each other. What are we doing here? The door opens and in walks Dr. Adams. Of course it had to be her. 

"Hello. I realize you three didn't come here willingly. I am very sorry for that. But we need you three." Dr.Adams says. Jacqueline struggles and spits out a string of curse words. Dr. Adams looks surprised. "You three can be a part of something special. Thats why we need you. You three have powers that are extraordinary." Jacqueline has a power? Then I notice she's burning away the ropes she's tied down with. She has pyrokinesis. She bolts up and lunges for Dr. Adams. One Drac stabs a needle into her and she falls asleep. They carry her away into a different room. 

"Well I guess she won't hear what I need from all of you. I need you all to do some tests." Dr. Adams says and points to Viper. "I want her first." 

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