Chapter Seventeen

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"Bye guys!" I gave Cody and Alli a hug and began ascending the staircase to the front door, " thanks for cheering me up"

"It was nice meeting you, bro" Madison and Cody did the standard bro hug and he went to hug Alli. Although I was only next door, Madison offered to walk me home because he was worried something might happen to me. A boy who was actually concerned about my well-being, how refreshing I thought as the two of us raced each other to the top of the staircase. He made me feel like a little kid again, full of whimsy and happiness. He helped me forget how heart broken I was. I needed to figure out a way to thank him.

"Lelo?" He snapped me out of my thoughts, "what's up with the serious look on your face? It kinda looks like you have resting bitch face" he said and laughed, and I laughed along. It felt so good to laugh.

"I was thinking, it's pretty early. Let me take you out to ice cream at the place around the corner? As a thank you" I said, and I hoped he would say yes. Not just because I wanted to thank him, but because I wanted an excuse to spend more time with him.

"Thank me for what?" He looked so cute when he's confused. It was easy to see why these boys have so many fans, they're all so handsome.

"Well, for making me turn my spirits around. For helping me to realize that just because Nick broke my heart, doesn't mean the world stopped turning. For helping me to realize that there are better boys out there, ones who won't become unfaithful the moment an opportunity arises" I said and he stopped walking, so I stopped and turned around to face him.

He took my small hands in his huge ones and said, "you don't need to thank me for that, Le. It's what any good friend would do. And there are many boys out there that are far better than my ex - dance crew member. Some might even be closer than you think" In that moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I was so sure that I even started questioning whether or not my breath stank from the popcorn and if I had lip gloss on.

But just as soon as he picked up my hands. He dropped them. He looked as if he was restraining himself. I didn't want him to restrain though, I wanted him to kiss me.

"So I'm buying you ice cream, for being the most good-sported dumpee in history" He said and ran ahead, grabbing my hand and dragging me along for the ride. I just smiled and laughed.

And for once in my short existence, I felt free.

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