Chapter Fifteen

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"Where is she?" I screamed as I stormed into my old studio. Anger washed over me, all I could see was red. I already did my fair share of yelling at Nickand we broke up, the spark was gone, I was no longer in love.

Now I was after the girl he cheated on me with, the beautiful Maria. I was out for blood, and I didn't understand why she would want to hurt me so badly when we never even met each other.

"Lelo, calm down. Who are you looking for?" I visibly relaxed at the sight of my best friend, but I tensed up once again when I realized.

"Sammi, did you know?" I barked at her, making her back up a step and give me a look of confusion. 

"What the hell are you talking about, bro? What is wrong?" She said, unafraid of my menacing glare and stepping closer to give me a hug.

"He cheated on me, with Maria" I mumbled into her sleeve, willing myself not to cry. I refused to let a tear drop until I confronted Maria, I refused to look weak.

"What the-how the-who the fuck does Mara think he is? I had no clue hun, but I am going to castrate that idiot" she said and I smiled up at her.

"I already gave him an earful, but thank you. And I'm looking for that whore of a teammate of yours, Maria" I said throught gritted teeth, trying hard not to loose my cool until I got face to face with her.

"I am sure something must have happened, Maria is a great girl, I am sure she wouldn't have done this if she knew"

"We thought Nick was a great guy too, and look where that got me. I should have never trusted him again" I said sadly.

"I am glad you did, it gave you the chance to finally get over everything he did to you before, to finally move past that time in your life. Even though he hurt you yet again, I am glad you let him in, got closure" She said and hugged me again quickly, "Maria is in practice room B, I'll come with you to make sure you don't actually murder her" she laughed shortly and the two of us walked down the seemingly endless hallway, personally thinking of ways to ruin Maria's life.

When we walked into the room, she stopped the music and greeted us happily. But when she saw my expression, she uttered the words, "so he told you" and a tear escaped her eye instantly.

"Let me explain" she said and she looked up at me, guilt written all over her beautiful features, "when I met Nick, I instantly fell for him. No one told me about you or how in love the two of you were, or else I would've backed off immediatly. It's partly my fault, I shy away from social media so I never saw any pictures of you two together and all I knew was that I was your replacement in the team. So I continued to fall for him, and one day we were alone in the studio, practicing our choreography and we kissed. When I met you, when I found out the whole story, I was furious Lelo, you have to believe me. The moment Nick walked through that door, when he was whispering to me, I was telling him how horrible of a person he was and how I never wanted to see him again. We never did anything more than that one kiss, but I felt so dirty and used. Seeing how in love he was with you was just pouring more salt onto the wound. I was going to tell you believe me, I just couldn't find the words. I'm so terribly sorry"

I looked at Sammi for some sort of emotion and she just nodded, implying that her story checked out.

"I was so ready to scream and yell at you, to hit you, to hurt you like you two hurt me" I started, staying strong and standing tall as I looked at Maria, "but I can see that he hurt you as much as he hurt me, and for that I am sorry. I don't know if I ever can forgive him, but I can forgive you" I said and she smiled with gratitude.

"I'm heading back home early Sammi, I got the first flight back to Cali with an open seat and I'm gonna go pack now. New Jersey has been nothing but bad to me, I need to head back." I said and she gave me a long, bone-crushing hug. 

I said a quick goodbye to Maria and the rest of the girls who were at the studio and headed back to Sammi's house to pack my bags, a quick walk from the studio. I said hello to her parents and explained what happened, they understood and offered to drive me to the airport.

I walked upstairs and closed the door, dialing a number I knew too well.

"Madison" I whispered as the first tear fell.

"What's wrong Le, what happened?" He sounded so concerned, so caring, and that made me even more upset.

"He cheated on me Mad" I said and that was all it took for the body-shaking sobs to come out. 

Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora