Chapter Twelve

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My new dance studio was far fancier than any studio I ever danced at. No offense to Lindsay, but comparing this studio to hers was like comparing a mansion to a townhouse.

I walked in for my first practice. It took two weeks to schedule a lesson with their hip hop choreographer because of how popular the studio was. I walked past pictures of all the famous dancers that took classes here and stopped to stare at one. The ICONic Boyz were staring back at me, posing for their ABDC picture. I put my pointer finger on Nick, and was reminded yet again just how much I missed him.

"Lelo Santiago?" I heard behind me. I turned to see a man in his 30s eyeing me, "I can work with you" he smiled and finally held out his hand, "I'm Ricardo"

I shook his hand and said hello while he led me down a series of hallways to a room titled "Studio A". It was incredible. Mirrors covered the four walls and the wood flooring was far less worn than the one at Lindsay's. I felt the need to just lay down and take it all in, but Ricardo stared at me as if we were thirty minutes behind.

I dropped my bag near the door and stood next to my instructor. He then took out a remote from his back pocket and pressed play. Music came from all directions of the room, an infectious beat that I knew as soon as it started, the song was Trumpets by Jason Derulo.

Ricardo began an intricate set of hip hop moves. I followed a few beats behind to begin, but soon caught up with ease. The music "spoke" to me in a way.

I soon realized that the choreography was meant to be a duet. The music stopped and I begin stretching and cooling down.

"This is meant to be a hip hop duet Ric, isn't it?" I looked up
at my instructor and he laughed at the nick name, "you catch on fast Lelo, your partner should be coming in any minute"

Just as he said that the door opened. Standing in the door frame was a face I knew all too well.

"Madison?" I couldn't believe my eyes. I ran to him and he did the same, crashing into each other "I missed you so much" I murmured into his neck.

"I take it you two know each other" Ricardo said when we broke our hug. I smiled at him and nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, a lot has changed since you left. Mikey, Jason, Louis, and I all left the ICONic Boyz and formed a kinda mix between a boy band and our own dance crew, were called To Be One. Louis left a few months back, so it's just us three now" I was shocked. Nick told me none of this, why the hell not?

"And Nick?" I asked. I saw Madison's face drop, as if he was upset I even asked.

"Nick left too, but he doesn't talk to us anymore" Madison responded, "but, I actually was called by Ricardo, who just so happens to be the group's choreographer, and said a Jersey native just signed up for hip hop. Once I found out who it was, I had to jump on the opportunity to do a duet with my long lost Lelo" He smiled the same breathtaking smile that still made my heart beat speed up.

"Well, now that you two are all caught up" Ricardo interrupted us and bushed the two of us close together, "this dance is intricate, seemingly effortless, and above all sexy" the last time I was this close to Madison was when we kissed. I was instantly reminded of that feeling of elation, like I was floating on air.

We started moving. Within seconds, we were moving as one. Our bodies molded together, and the only thing I could feel was the music and his strong arms wrapped around me. My body was tingling and I was hot all over. I never could believe that anyone could have this effect on me, especially someone who wasn't Nick.

Oh my God, Nick. I shouldn't be having these feelings when I have an all around perfect boyfriend in New Jersey. I was unable to deal with what I was feeling and broke apart from the dance. The music stopped having it's magical effect it usually does and instead felt like the guilty humming of my conscious.

"Lelo" Ricardo yelled as I picked up my bag, "where are you going?"

"To the bathroom" I said and walked out the beautiful rehearsal room.

I dialed my parents number and they picked up instantly.

If I was going to figure out which boy I truly loved, I would have to see the one who broke my heart then fixed it just so I could break his.

Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now