Chapter Nine

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The last chapter just kinda lead up to this so that's why I updated them both at the same time.


But anyways hi this chapter is sad basically.

Song for the chapter (listen to it because the whole chapter revolves around it please)- Say Something



He paced back in forth in his room, slowly driving himself insane. He hadn't eaten or slept in days, the pain of heartbreak rendering him incapable of doing either.

He checked his phone. Every 6 minutes and 23 seconds to be precise. Texts and calls from family members and friends flooded in until they just gave up. He didn't care to talk to any of them anyways. There was only one person in the world he would talk to.

(Say something, anything) he thought. (A world, a letter. Anything) he knew he was going insane but he just couldn't seem to get himself out of it.

All he could see anymore was her. Her smile, her eyes as they stared into him. He only thought about her unmatched beauty. He saw the slashes all over her body, things she did because of him.

But the image that kept replaying was the one where she told her she loved him and he couldn't even find the words to say. What he felt for her was better than words.

The feelings he had for her was something he could never explain. It was too good for words, to amazing for money or gestures. She was greater than that.

If only he could tell her that.

Across town, another boy sat in the same situation, just not quite as severe.

He was with his friends, laughing, smiling and seeming absolutely fine, but isn't it the people who seem the happiest who are actually the most desperate cries for help.

But he kept it hidden. He didn't want to turn into the train wreck he knew the boy across had become.

Only he knew what he felt. He missed the feeling he got when his lips brushed against hers, if only for a second. He missed the way his stomach did flip flops from her just walking into a room. He missed her beautiful smile and personality. He just missed her as a whole, and every moment without her he just felt more alone.

"Say something" he said aloud to seemingly no one at all. All his friends turned to question his outburst, but he just brushed it off and continued to talk and laugh with his closest friends, who didn't have a care in the world and thought that their dear friend felt the same.

Although he was in a crowded room, he had never felt more alone than he had in that moment.

Two boys, lovesick over the same girl. Seems almost impossible, tragic yet fascinating at the same time.

There she stood miles and miles away in distance. She awaited a sign, something, somewhere to tell her which road to choose, which was to go. She was lost even though she knew exactly where she was.

"Say something" she looked up to the sky. "I'm giving up" she pleaded. As if by magic, she suddenly knew exactly what she needed to do.

She ran out of the house without so much as a goodbye and ran to catch the plane her five best friends were about to board. They bought her a ticket just in case, the ticket she was now clenching in her right hand as she skateboarded through mobs of people to the airport.

The distance between the three of them closing rapidly, but only one of them knew.

It wasn't long before she was at his front door, the one she knew was right.

She hesitated on knocking, doubting herself and whether not someone like him could be with someone like her.

She just couldn't seem to miss this opportunity, it could be her one chance at true love.

She knocked, tentatively at first but grew with force as soon as she knew she made the right choice.


Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now