Chapter Two

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Again, I say I am truly sorry for making Nick out to be a bad person. I know hes not, its just, you gotta make a story interesting, ya know?



“Im feeling SEXAY and free!” Sammi sang along to the radio as we drove down to ICON for our fifth day of rehearsals.


“Wow, you're in a really good mood Lelo” Lindsay said.

“Yeah, because todays the day Lucy and I are getting revenge on Nick!”

“Just don’t hurt him physically okay? We need him in the dance” Lindsay said back. I love my cousin.

“Don't worry, were just playing with his emotions” I screamed over the radio, which Sammi decided to crank all the way up.

As we walked in, ways of how my plan could fall apart were swirling through my head.

“Okay its go time: Mission get Mr. douchebag to fall in love with Lucy is a go!” Josaline screamed-whispered. I clamped a hand over her mouth. This plan was not going to be ruined by her big mouth.

“Okay” Her muffled words came out and I knew she got the message so I dropped my hand. Please let this work.

Lucy walked up to Nick and started talking to him. The two were giggling and flirting within minutes. I felt a searing pain deep in my mind compelling me to run foward and scream 'stop' to the two and it took all I had to keep my feet planted firmly at the other side of the room.

The more logical part of my brain knew what had to happen. Nick needs to get how it feels to be heart broken, and that cant happen without Lucy.

I decided to distract myself from the guilt I felt by talking to Madison. Soon enough, that guilt was replaced with butterflies.

“So, it looks like Nick and your cousin are hitting it off” He looked over to the two of them who were now trying to ballroom dance. Lucy was acting really well. Almost too well. That made me pissed and I didn’t even know why.

“Yeah, it does” I growled making Madison jump back.

“Sorry. I just don’t want my cousin to get hurt like I did by him” He nodded. 

“Hey, I never got your number, and I wanted to hang sometime” He flashed a smile and I felt my knees begin to weaken. 

“Sure here you go” I gave him my IPhone and he put his number in then handed it back. He gave me a hug and, damn, he smelt good.

“Thanks you don’t smell too bad yourself” He laughed. I blushed a deep red.

“I said that out loud?” he nodded. I smiled and laughed awkwardly.

He just laughed it off. Good to know he wasn’t creeped out by my fangirl ways. I suddenly heard a car honk and it made me jump twenty feet in the air.

“That’s my mom” he said before he gave me another hug. I was trying my hardest to keep calm, but I was pretty sure he noticed how excited I got by his touch.

“Text me!” I nodded as he got into the car.

“TIME TO GO LADIES!” Lindsay screamed to all of us. I went to go get Lucy when I saw her hugging Nick. That girl moves fast!

Internally smiling that my plan worked, I decided to leave them alone. As I got in the van I felt that pang of jealousy again. I tried to brush it off, but it kept coming back, and I didn’t like it.

“What is wrong with me!” I screamed in frustration because I was the only one in the van.

“nothings wrong with you, if you love someone, you're not going to be happy if hes dating someone else” Sammi said, poking her head in and then sitting next to me.

“but I don’t love Madison, and hes not dating anyone else!” I didn’t like the way that this conversation was going, so I decided to divert it.

“Not Madison, Nick. Sweetie your still in love with Nick” before I could say anything back, all the other girls came climbing onto the bus.

“Howd the plan go girls?” Ruth asked Lucy and I. I looked over to Lucy to hear her response.

“I cant go through with it” she said with her head down.

“WHAT?!?!” I cant believe she fell for him!

“Hes so nice. He really has changed Lelo, and he asked me out. I said yes, and I don’t want to play games with him. I really like him and I hope you understand”

“Its okay Luc. I get it.” I was secretly pissed, but it would wear off.

As we got off the bus my mind processed a thought that made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I think I still love Nick Mara



Hey guys, second chapter are you happy?

I need to wattpaders to play Ruth and Amanda, any takers?


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