Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“I think that was the best first kiss in the history of first kisses” I said as I looked up at him.

“You’ve never been kissed?” I shook my head no. He seemed stunned.

“ever had a boyfriend?”

“Never one that lasted more than a few days…”


“Well, both of my ‘relationships’ happened 2 years ago. I had feelings for someone else the whole time I was dating these other boys. This guy said some very hurtful things to me, so I thought maybe dating other boys would help me get over him. But I was still in love…and I didn’t want to hurt the other guys with a relationship I couldn’t fully commit to” I said. He nodded but looked a tad worried.

“Whats wrong?” I asked.

“You're not still in love with him, right?” He looked really upset. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him.

“Not since I met you” his whole face brightened up, making my insides melt. This was meant to be, it just had to be.

“good. Because im falling for you Lelo, hard” I couldn’t help but blush. Is their anything not perfect about this boy?

“You look cute when you blush” he whispered in my ear.

“Hiya my love birdies! Care for one more in your group?” Ruth skipped over. I love how happy she is.

“Ummm, why don’t you go dance with Mikey?” Madison asked.

“Why would Mikey want to dance with me?” She looked down at her feet. She was always so self concious which was weird, because shes one of the prettiest girls in our group.

“because hes been staring at you half the night, just look now” she turned around to see Mikey advert his eyes and blush.

“What do I do? I mean he hasn’t said a single word to me, and were partners for the dance!” She was really sad. She likes him a lot.

“Oh gosh…” Madison mumbled.

“Why ‘oh goshhhh’” I mimicked him.

“Hes only shy when he likes a girl. And when I say like, I mean, falls head over heels. Im sorry, but I think your gonna have to make the first move this time Ruth” she nodded and happily skipped over to Mikey, Jason, and Louis.

“Aw look at how cute Nick and Lucy are” Madison squealed. He sounded like a girl. I turned around to see Nick spin Lucy around, and instantly felt a pang of jealousy. My whole mood changed and I guess Madison noticed.


“Yeah Mad?”

Revenge and Regrets {ICONic Boyz Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now